Monday, December 24, 2007

NKJV and the one world religion and other news


New King James Version and the One World Church

The New World Order planners are working with prominent Evangelical church leaders to bring in the One World Religion and One World Government. One of their main goals is to convince you to exchange your King James 1611 Bible for the New King James version. The NKJV, which falsely poses as a true-to-the-Received-Text revision of the King James 1611, makes theological changes to the text that serve to merge Christianity with the One World Church:
The truth of the matter is that the New King James Version represents Satan's ultimate deception to oppose God's remnant in the closing days of the New Testament age. (William P. Grady, author, Final Authority)

Some reasons that Christians who sincerely love our Lord Jesus Christ have exchanged their King James 1611 Bibles for the New King James Version:
1) They have been told that the NKJV is the fifth revision of the King James Bible. The truth is that there have been several editions of the King James Bible but no true revisions have been made. The word "revisions" is often used in reference to the several editions of the King James 1611. This is not a problem as long as you understand that the textual changes were negligible.(2) They have been assured that the NKJV conforms to the Textus Receptus (Hebrew and Greek texts used by the King James translators.) This is a partial truth that is a whole lie.(3) They are told the NKJV is easier to understand. Actually, the NKJV is written at a higher reading level than the King James 1611.
MAIN ARTICLE: NKJV: Transitional Bridge to More Corrupt Versions
Index of Articles:

CHARTS: The George Ricker Berry English Interlinear and the KJV Compared, The George Ricker Berry English Interlinear Compared to the DARBY Translation plus John Nelson Darby's Version: Based on Corrupt Texts
The George Ricker Berry English Interlinear: Corrupt Foundation
NKJV: Theological Changes to the Text--The Censoring of Belial
The George Ricker Berry English Interlinear is Corrupt
Thomas Nelson Publishers Boldly Emphasized the Triquetra Symbol and NKJV & the Triquetra, Rev. 13:16: Is the Mark of the Beast ON the Hand?
NKJV Editors' Footnote Agenda: Bible is in State of Flux
NKJV and Lucis Trust: Ready For One World Church
Barbara Aho Bids Goodspeed to King James 1611
Todd Strandberg: Defense of KJV is Devil's Handiwork
Thomas Nelson Representative said the NJKV is a Transitional Bridge
New King James Version and the Derivative Copyright Law
Barbara Aho, Which Bible is Your Final Authority? (related article: About Gail Riplinger's New Age Bible Versions)
* Recommended: The New King James Version Analyzed (item # OP1442) by Pastor D.A. Waite of The Bible For Today. Find out the exact word changes the New King James translators made to the text! (Note: We warn against the false doctrine of unconditional eternal security as taught by Baptists and other denominations.)

______________________ (I don't agree with all in this article, but much of this information is true)


What David Icke is doing here is not showing amateurs the bigger picture. He's simply not letting them know how people like himself are put out there to create a mindset and groups as rivals to another. In this case it's anti-government and authority. Infact it's our tried and tested control systems such as Government etc. You see the elite wish to destroy everything that has worked for years, simply to make way for a New World Order of doing things. So they want us to riot on the streets and eventually destroy our own system. They'll then come in with the over the top control systems far worse than what we have right now. You think your a slave now? You've seen nothing yet and whats worse? You'll soon know for sure your being trodden on unlike now with the illusions. An example of this is how we simply invade Iraq with no so-called UN backing etc therefore a so-called illegal war. People have no choice in the European Union and Bilderberg Brown signs treaties himself for his Pope master. So yes theres many people out there spitting truth but it's being done for a purpose which isn't quite what people think. Christ these agents even have twelve year olds excited and on Marchs with their moms and dads as evidenced with this Intelligence agency controlled We Are Change. Come on people we've had some of the biggest anti-establishment groups such as the original Blank Panthers all gt infiltrated and destroyed. Infiltration and Drugs from the CIA & Mafia under the Knights of Malta control destroyed them quickly. Remember on that some groups are created from day one, which is what we're seeing right now. David Icke is part of this, even I'm part of this somewhat. All truthsayers wether paid or genuinely independant play their part. I myself don't want most of our systems destroyed, THEY WORK! What I would like is for genuine people to be put in those roles working for the people as a genuine REPUBLIC under COMMON LAW. Remind you of the good old days of Protestant united states of America? Yes it does. Theres totally nothing wrong with most the systems in this Bird Cage if correctly run not for greed but simply for the furthering of mankind. Whilst the Jesuit Order in control of Rome in control of the elite stay in power then we've had it. The Knights of Malta in control of bully boy. British Intelligence will continue to create everything around you which originated somewhat with the original true Knights Templar. Do you honestly think the ruling elite would allow our information out if they could really put a stop to it? Of course they would NOT! You're getting all this information because they wish you to have it. It's only when you speak about things they do not want you to know at all or yet, that you get suppressed. They change also to suit to mood and mindframe of the enemy, US. Like I've said before it was British Intelligence who created shortwave via their CIA creation. They used it well to engineer people with fake shows and it goes on today. Now they use agents and actors like Alex Jones as Pied Pipers for intelligent groups of people. They want to destroy the mythical religions they created ready for their next creation. They need sheeple to latch on quickly. Remember they used to police us with wips and torture which you certainly knew about daily. Now they have us doing all the policing ourselves. They know at the end of the day it's always the people themselves who do the most work to aid the elites agenda. I have no problems speaking about religions and other issues because they are mythical and lies themselves which do need highlighting. I know where it's all going but hopefully people will see through the next system thanks to seeing this pathetic one.So ponder this! We see all day long the elite conning people that we're so riddled with crime. In reality it's such a pathetic percentage of people who commit real hardcore crime and crime in general. IT CAN BE DEALT WITH VERY EASILY AND QUICKLY!

They don't want you knowing the true statistics and this fact. But go away with common sense and study what Knight of Malta, Rudy Giuliani did with violent crime ridden New York. One it wasn't what was made out and he soon sorted what was around quite well. So now go away and think wether you're being allowed this information and having it pushed by agents. Then ask yourself how it could aid the elite to bring in the one World religion based on Freemasonry, itself based on the Egyptian Mysteries infact well older than this period also. I think you see clear now whats going on. David Icke has done no research on Alex Jones whilst true independant and assassinated researchers like William Cooper have highlighted these lying Jones agents many times. So folks who you going to follow? David Icke the repeater or WILLIAM COOPER a true legend and originator in the conspiracy World. Incidentally out way before any agent Icke. British Intelligence, another group or not, Icke is not doing this for you and I.

-Craig Oxley

_________________ (Al Gore) (War and history)