Monday, December 24, 2007

Getting the Record Straight






The end of the year is approaching. Lies from both major parties are apparent. George W. Bush still lies and claims that his wiretapping program was Constitutional. Hillary Clinton is a liar in claiming that killing unborn babies is part of a woman's choice. Actually, it eliminates the choices of the unborn baby to have living on this Earth. It interesting to figure about this Romney/King controversy. George Romney, Mormon Mitt Romney's father, as sources prove was in favor of much of the civil rights that Dr. Martin Luther King believed in. That doesn't justify me joining Mitt, because Romney supports the Iraq war and loved to have the Patriot Act waterboarding, and other laws (that are anti-Bill of Rights) a reality. Ron Paul was interviewed by Meet the Press' Tim Russert. As he should, Russert asked him tough questions from ecomonics, health, and to war. Ron Paul tried his best to answer those questions. I agree with a lot of he had to say. I disagree with 10% of what he had to say like not agreeing to 911 Truth or ending slavery by buying people out. We should end slavery immediately anywhere on Earth by any legitimate means necessary without buying folks out. Slavery violates the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness found in the Constitution (even though many founding fathers didn't act morally on that issue. Some of them opposed slavery like Benjamin Franklin and John Jay. Many black Americans fought for real freedom then and now). Beyond that, slavery isn't just holding folks in chains. Slavery is controlling people's mind and their perspective of reality. Slavery still exists now. The USA today is further ruled by the Vatican/Jesuits and the City of London (who location has the highest amount of capital in the world. Its where the headquarters of British Freemasonry is located. Many Mayors of the City of London have been Freemasons. Many Anglicans in that region are trying to be under the Catholic Church). The City of London is also a place where powerful Pilgrim Society members work. The Pilgrims are more powerful than the CFR, TC, and the Bilderberg Group. Washington D.C. is another major capital in America who foundation was influenced by the star Sirius (documentated by Christian Pinto's research. Sirius was the Dog Star and was given a negative connotation, because it was prominent in the times of floods during the time of ancient Egypt. New Agers mimic Egyptian paganism and some philsophies of Aliester Crowley. Crowley was a Satanist and a member of British Intelligence who wanted to destroy the Judeo-Christian ethic by promoting an extreme form of free will to the degree of extreme sin). Sir Francis Bacon was a British Rosicrucian who planned America to be a democratic commenwealth of states in the late 1500's. There has tons of controversy over Jewish people and Israel. Here's my position. Jewish lived in the land continiously in the times of Rome, the Byzantinum Empire, the Crusades, the British Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and onword for thousands of years (even before Arabic people lived in Israel. Palestine was a named coined by the Romans to deny Jewish heritage in Israel. Many anti-Semites today deny Israel its Jewish relationship to this day and some are affiliated with Roman Catholic groups. This isn't suprising since the Roman Catholic Church killed Jewish people throughout its history from the 300's A.D.). Therefore, Jewish people and Arabic have a right to live in Israel. I believe that the good in Israel should be respected by all people. Also, God's covenant never ended with Israel as mentioned in Romans (Paul said God hasn't forsaken Israel which he foreknew), but he added Gentiles into the covenant (i.e. The Bible says Jewish people and Gentiles must be saved just like anyone else). This is where I agree with people like John Hagee. I disagree with Hagee in that we should have unconditional support for the leadership of the government in Israel (who leadership has been infilitrated by the Knights of Malta and high level Freemasonry since 1948. For example, 33rd Degree Freemason Chaim Wiezman was one founder of Israel. Also, in 2007, Barry Chamish proved that Knight of Malta Juan Carlos of Spain is a negiotator and supporter of the Roadmap to Peace. This has nothing to do with real peace but the control of the Middle East further by the West). I believe we should have unconditional support for the right of Jewish people (and any people) to live in Israel not support the government 100% of the time since government is falliable. The leadership of Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and others have done some grave mistakes in their history. This doesn't mean no evil Jewish people should be exposed. All evil should be exposed including evil Jewish people and evil Masonic Jewish Zionists. I don't believe Israel should cease to exist since using that standard all North African nations should cease because no Arabic people originated there at all (historically, Using that logic, America definitely should cease to exist since very few are originally from here in the sense of our ancestors).


I wanted to write the following information, because many are scared to confront the Jesus Mythos crowd. I'm not and debated them for many years. Many who hate Christianity try to say that Horus is Jesus, therefore Jesus is the Sun (i.e. Jesus never existence and he is the sun of mythology). The refutation of this lie is easy (Jesus existence is confirmed by Roman historians, the Gospels, Polycarp, and others before the 4th century). The reality is that Jesus and Horus are so different, that they are never in relation to each other as a proof that Christianity is a pure descendant of the Mystery Schools of ancient Egypt. Here's the evidence: Unlike Jesus, Horus was never concieved in the presence of wise men. Horus was never baptized and he never had 12 disciples. Horus wasn't even crucified, but he was murdered by his rivals. Horus wasn't even refered to as the good shepherd or  the lamb of god. Even for Mithra, there is no evidence that Mithras was born in a manger, but Mithras was born in a cave. In the Persian Mithra, he had 1 disciple and in the Roman version he had 2 disciples. The thing that seperates biblical Christianity apart from other religion the most is that Christianity teaches that man can never save himself. In other words man is saved by God alone not by works (man saved by works is the foundation of 99% of all religions in the word). Still, civil liberty threats are abundant. Sarah Thomsen from WBAY-TV at December 23, 2007 reported that Wisconsin police are getting fingerprints if they are ticketed. It's occuring in Green Bay. I don't agree with that since that's unecessary retrieval of private information for the sake of intruding on people's lives. Daniel Taylor from the Old-thinker News at December 22, 2007 written about the North American integration agenda. It proved that certain individual want a regional society in North American similar to the existence of the European Union. These elitists admit to it, yet Neo Cons like Medved and those from FOX News (owned by Gentile Papal Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch's son is pro-Al Gore. Murdoch funds Hillary Clinton, so they aren't as conservative as liberals claim they are. Roger Ailes is an ally of Rudy Giuliani. Rudy and Hillary are almost identical in their political beliefs. The American Conservative, a paleoconservative magazine called Rudy having fascist beliefs since he's allied with Neo cons plus of his authoratarian beliefs. These Neo Cons want a war against Iran when Iran has no nuclear weapons Even 68% of Americans oppose the Iraq war according to a CNN poll. Most people including me want a Iraq that's successful, but without occupation, without Blackwater gaurding the streets, permanent bases, and the like. I don't agree with the Iraq War since it was unconstitutional and Iraq posed no direct threat to America) deny it. It dame out that 33rd Degree Freemason J. Edgar Hoover (he was once head of the FBI) wanted to jail 12,000 Americans without habaes corpus out of "disloyalty." That was extreme documenting the extreme agenda of J. Edgar Hoover. Hoover wiretapped many activists without warrants and some didn't even knew about it. It's time to get the record straight in strength and love. Lately, there has been an epidemic of compromise not only among Christians, but everyone globally. It's time for the compromising to cease and for all human beings to stand up for legitimate moral values of honesty, exposing evil, promoting what's good in the world, exposing torture, and helping people plus society.


By Timothy