Today, ultrasound technology is shrinking is size. It will cause more benefits. Those benefits include more access in rural areas, a better quality of images, and it can spread more compactly in areas globally (especially in the developing world). This form of technology have deduced 2-D and 3-D images of the unborn baby conclusively defining it's humaness. That's why it's been found that heart veins, brain development, organ forming, and other developments of the unborn is here within the first trimester of the child's growth inside of the mother's womb. There has been a increase amount of comparing religious conservatives to fascism. This is slander. It's a good thing that I'm back to rebut those lies. First, fascists like Hitler hate conservative Christians. Hitler was a baptized Roman Catholic and he followed the occult (he was in the Thule and Vril Society trying to contact spirits for strength). Hitler destroyed many religious sites. Also, the Nazis followed Jesuit tenets in their infrastructure. Fascism is the merging of the government with corporate power to rule every facet of society. True conservatives, true libertarians, and true liberals believe in individual rights and the freedom granted from laws and by the Creator God (which are greatly opposed to the tenets of fascism). Beyond that, more and more Americans are tried of unfair demonizing of people. The stereotypes and lies don't work anymore. The internet and other alternative forms of information have led many across the globe to figure out the truth. That's why I believe in no warrantless wiretapes, I believe in gun rights, I believe in securing our border, and I oppose the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act was one of the most immoral laws created since it not only violates our privacy rights plus the Fourth Amendment. It was even debated strongly to determine whether it was legitimate enough to become law. There is another story. In Wisconsin a man was tasered because of an anymoymous phone call. Some say it was justified and others disapprove of the officer's reactions. There are huge problems with tasers as in the deaths it has caused and the damage to the human bod it can inflict. Mimi Hall from USA TODAY at December 24, 2007 reported on Homeland Security forming a school teaching students of the 9/11 Generation. Its purpose in Maryland is to allow students to have anti-terrorism jobs. Homeland is a term Nazis used to brainwash the Germans to follow a psuedo-nationalism. Homeland Security is an illegally form big government machine promoting the dismantling of Posse Commitatus via VIPER teams and militarized police across the nation. Also, it could be indoctrinating kids in accepting this wicked war on terrorism (which is basically about killing others across the world to stop Islamic "terrorism." Some Islamic terrorism was created by the government like al-Qaeda being funded by the CIA and the ISI. Maybe we should have dialogue with other nations than planning wars). I oppose HR1955 or "The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act" and S.1959. The reason is that ambigious define terrorism as "planning" or "threatening" to use force to promote a political objective. This could mean that if I want to use peaceful forceful exposure of evil in public, then they can be misconveyed as advocating terrorism. I found out that Aldous Huxley believed that mind control would make insane people blissful or content. This is sick since insane people don't need mind control stripping their identity but medical and spiritual help to rectify their condition. The Huxley family have been known to be in support of eugenics and population. One of them help found the modern environmental movement (the leaders in the mainstream media rarely discuss about real issues concerning the environment like Gm foods, cross species animals, pollution via flouride, nerve gas, etc. They discuss constantly about global warming and seek control of as much private property as possible).
David Edwards and Jason Rhyne from Raw Story at December 24, 2007 reported on a new FBI plan. They are spending $1 billion to trace as much people as possible globally. The FBI blatantly wants to inflict a control mechanism via biometrics to monitor citizens. It's in plain view of the mainstream media. It's been reported by CNN in the reports made by Alina CHo. Sonny Hostin expressed concern about this circumstance. Yet, I don't agree with none of that. Marc Rotenberg, the executive director for the Electronic Privacy Information Center, proclaimed that the information is inaccurately acquired by the federal government. Hostin claim that this could allow the FBI to unfair monitor citizens. Big Brother is here. We should reject it and not be part of this system. The new developments are very reminisince of the prophecies of the book of Revelations about the Beast trying to control the world. In esoteric studies, many Freemasons believe in a Masonic "Christ" (in books like Morals and Dogma is a merging of Osiris and Isis to form Horus. This is the child in ancient mystery teaching. Could be Horus be a codename for the Antichrist or the Beast. In America, Canada, England, and across the Earth, many cities and buildings are based on Masonic concepts). Now, Washington D.C. has a Pentagram pattern with one side missing. Even that is related to the occurences of Venus around the sun plus this symbol (a Pentagram with one side missing. The Pentagram was popularized by Eliphas Levi as a symbol of Nature and being Satanic. Even Pythagaros according to the "Riddles of Stones" film classify the Pentagram as the 5 regions of Tatarus or Hell in the ancient Greek world) is mentioned in Manly P. Hall literature. There was a tiger attack in San Francisco where one person was murdered. 2 were injured and were sent into a hospital. The police killed the tiger when the animal attempted to lunge at the police officers. Neo-Cons like Bill Kristol call Ron Paul a crank and lie about other things. Now, Kristol said that opposition interventionism is equal to isolationalism plus it's anti-Americanism which is a lie. The reality is that's a lie. I reject isolationalism and interventionism because we should have trade that's fair and free. Yet, I don't believe in interfering in the affairs of others nations unless a nation attacks us or things similar to that. The Neo Cons' foreign policy aggrevated more problems over in the Middle East than its intensions of trying to solve complications in that part of the world. Kristol is one of the signer of the PNAC document advocating war, bio-weapons, and a Pearl Harbor like event as a catayst to get their agenda moving as far back as the year 2000. Chris Matthews this morning said that Media Matters is in the tank for Hillary Clinton. He's probably right since Hillary admitted that she help create and fund Media Matters, so they are a shill for Hillary. Even though I don't agree with him on every issue (like on the Second Amendment). Many of these establishment liberal and Neo Con sites continue political agitation without promoting some working together to find common causes to work on (not sucking up to people or compromising your belief system). The video here is about We are Change confronting Bill Clinton. Clinton lied about 911 since Osama and "terrorists" never made NORAD standdown, Muslim "terrorists" didn't cause Building Number 7 to collaspe, the government had plenty of warnings about the terror attack in NYC, Bill is part of the Bilderberg Group, Clinton is Jesuit trained, and he's a NWO puppet. 2008 is almost here, but 2007 was one crazy year. I can't wait until 2008. Good things and evil things will happen next year.
By Timothy