Christ-Mass: Your Gift to God is Intercessory Prayer
Christmas, as precious the childhood memories it holds for so many Christians (including me), is not a true Christian holiday and is not of God. At the end of this article are links to some writings that explain the origins of Christmas and also the biblical reasons why a Christian must not partake of this custom that the world loves.
The main purpose for this article is to exhort you to intercede at this time of year because Christmas, like Halloween, is a time of human sacrifice. I remember how shocked I was to learn that on midnight, Christmas Eve, human sacrifices are performed. They are also performed at midnight on the Winter Solstice—December 22nd (A major satanic high day), on the full moon, and on New Year's Eve. (Note: This year the full moon falls on Christmas Eve!)
Christmas really means the mass of Jesus Christ:
In essence, the Mass is the ceremonial slaying of Jesus Christ over and over again, followed by the eating of his flesh and the drinking of his blood. The Mass is the death sacrifice, and the 'Host' is the victim. (1)
Satan's followers revel in the fact that the celebration of Christmas originated with their master and not from the Lord Most High. They sacrifice infant boys on altars all over the world at midnight, Christmas Eve while most Christians make merry— oblivious to these heinous goings-on.
Where does the Bible instruct followers of the Lord Jesus Christ to commemorate His birth? It does not. Then how can Christians convince themselves that they worship God in spirit and in truth (Jhn 4:24) when they purposely deviate from God's Word on this particular matter?
Satan tempts Christians—who God commands to walk as children of light (See Eph. 5:8)—to join in the festivities of this blasphemous "mass of Christ" right along with his children of darkness because he knows that those who are making merry along with the world are in no position to counteract worldwide human sacrifice. Satan inspires his human workers to concoct compelling arguments in attempts to persuade Christians to rationalize away the sin of indulging in Christmas festivities. Christians who give place to the devil by engaging in this thinly-disguised pagan celebration will not be able to spiritually stand against him in prayer for the babies who are being slaughtered.
Satan knows that the more Christians who pray against human sacrifice, the less power his workers will have to further his plans for the world. These plans include the implementation of global government—which requires an enormous amount of demonic and human cooperation. The prayers and fastings of the saints are a truly powerful offensive weapon that effectively hinders the cooperative effort between Satan's human workers and his demons.
Satan sends infiltrators into seminaries and Bible schools to control the content of the teaching and thus to prevent soon-to-be pastors from learning how to combat Satan's devices. The fake Christian professors use clever theological arguments in order to neutralize the men God has called to be pastors. In the guise of giving more glory to God they downplay Satan's capabilities and what he is presently doing through his agents in this world. The most important part of Satan's neutralize-the-pastor campaign is to prevent men of God from learning what godly Christians can do to to combat the devil in his efforts to accomplish his evil purposes in the world. Most pastors have been taught that the Christian's role in spiritual warfare is strictly defensive. It is easy to see where that anti-biblical doctrine came from.
Satanist infiltrators put up a huge fuss if the pastor mentions Satan's devices and how to effectively combat him. They use the same old tired line of, "If you talk about Satan, you glorify him." These pseudo-Christian imposters want the pastor to teach his people to "ignore the devil, and he will flee from you." This notion is obviously false, but pastors can be intimidated by big-giver wolves that pose as sheep. As a result, most do not fully teach their people about Satan and his spiritually destructive devices.
God's word commands Christians to be not ignorant of Satan's devices, and yet human sacrifice is one of his main devices! God commands us to stand against the wiles of the devil! We cannot do this if we are participating in what God commands us to stand against. Examples of this are participating in the very holidays in which Satan requires his followers to shed blood in ritual human sacrifice: Halloween, Christmas, Easter and New Year's Eve.
How do you pray against Satan in regard to human sacrifice? You use the guidelines of the Bible like you do for all prayer. You must pray the way Jesus instructed his disciples to pray: "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." John 15:7
Ask our Heavenly Father in Jesus' name to send people to rescue the infant boys and anyone else being held for sacrifice on the Winter Solstice, Christmas, or New Year's Eve. Ask our Heavenly Father to cause some satanists to rescue the intended victims themselves (this has happened!) and to escape their covens unharmed and to become Christians themselves. Ask the Lord to bring glory to Himself by delivering these innocents from horrendous, torturous, slaughter and ask him to return them to their proper homes and to save their parents and siblings. Pray that God's mercy would be great upon those women who have given birth to babies for the purpose of being sacrificed. Ask Him to save their souls along with their babies.
Ask God to show you, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, how to pray. God may show you more specific ways to pray than I have suggested here. The most important thing is to pray in faith. If we ask anything according to his will, he will do it. It is God's will that Satan not get glory to himself through the executions of baby boys in blasphemous mockery of the Lord Jesus Christ. Praying that Satan not receive these deaths to his own glory is a prayer we know is the will of God. Therefore we know He will grant our petition.
Christian, if you pray according to God's will, and do not hold iniquity in your heart, He will hear you and he will answer! God always answers prayers that He inspires. He has a heart of compassion for dear babies (and children and adults too) that are ritually sacrificed and he definitely does deliver people from human sacrifice in answer to believing prayer.
The Lord confirmed to my husband that Satan has lost many of his sacrifice victims because God has heard the prayers of the saints and delivered those people! That is a precious comfort to me and a wonderful testimony to the kind of God we serve. His mercy is astoundingly beautiful to me. We cannot find those people bound and awaiting sacrifice, but God knows exactly where they are, and He has all power at his disposal to effect their deliverance. Nothing is too hard for Him. . . but He does work through the prayers of his saints. He does not arbitrarily interfere in the plans of the god of this world unless the children of light petition Him with prayers and fastings.
If Christians—who are the only people on the face of the earth qualified to stand against the powers of darkness—do not pray against the ritual murders performed at midnight, Christmas Eve, then they are aiding Satan in his quest for human sacrifice by their sin of disobeying God's command to stand in the evil day:
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Eph. 6:13
May God richly bless those of you who are willing to cast off feasting and merriment, laughter and frivolity, and be co-laborers together with Christ, entering into much-needed intercession for the people Satan's followers intend to brutally defile and kill.
To God be the glory, great things he hath done. . . and will continue to do in answer to the prayers of his people.
Christ-mass by David NealSee: Cases of Human Sacrifice Around the WorldSee The Spirit Behind Christmas, The Truth About Christmas
Note by Me: I don't agree with all of Armstrong's theological views, but he's right on this holiday.
By Timothy
Well said Lee.----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: LeeDate: Dec 24, 2007 7:11 PM
For lack of knowlege the people perish.... right? Now I understand people HATE the truth and want their ears to be tickled all day long but that's not what we are called to as Christians so here it goes:For thousands of years, the Romans, gorged with food, and drunk with wine, celebrated the feast of Saturnalia in December. They held high festival in Saturn’s honor, decorating their houses with evergreen and holly, giving dolls to their children (as a symbol of the child sacrifice to their gods) and showering gifts upon one another. Old Santa Claus, who is coming down your chimney on Christmas Eve, in his pagan youth was the fire-god of ancient peoples. He brought presents to the children in Rome thousands of years ago. Christmas may have even been a pagan orgy thousands of years ago—but who cares, right? If you read the scriptures, you will know that God cares where the traditions of Christmas came from. Do you?Through the prophet Jeremiah, God anciently warned His people not to use pagan nations’ customs in their worship of Him. "Thus says the LORD: 'Learn not the way of the nations, nor be dismayed at the signs of the heavens because the nations are dismayed at them, for the customs of the peoples are vanity. A tree from the forest is cut down and worked with an axe by the hands of a craftsman. They decorate it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so that it cannot move." (Jeremiah 10:2–4). In Jeremiah’s day, people were cutting down trees to erect as objects of worship. In our day, millions will gather around a "Christmas tree" on December 25, blind to the millennia of anti-God traditions underlying their worship.I get really frustrated when Christians stand on their high horses to defend Christmas because they believe that it is the celebration of Jesus' Birthday.
TRUTH: Child sacrifices to Nimrod is the reason for Christmas and Jesus was born in the Spring. People cry out against abortion 24/7 and yet they are trying to put Jesus' name on a child sacrificing holiday. Even if you were "celebrating Jesus" harmlessly, the facts of the Nativity story aren't even biblical. Jesus was likely born in the spring, we have no clue how many wise men there were following the star, the wise men didn't even come looking for Jesus until after He was born and found Jesus in a house when He was well over one years old (probably two), and they gave gifts to Jesus not each other (hehe). etc.The only reason that people celebrate Jesus on Christmas in the first place is because they were afraid of persecution (unlike Daniel, Meshak, Shaddrack, and Abednigo) and made something up to appease their consciouses while participating in the child sacrificing rituals of their neighborly pagans.The Real History:{The Romans celebrated the solstice season as the Saturnalia, honoring Saturn, the god of agriculture. At the feast of Saturnalia, all classes exchanged gifts, the commonest being wax tapers and clay dolls. These dolls were especially given to children and represented original sacrifices of human beings to the infernal god.Saturnalia—the festival Christmas absorbed—carries echoes of ancient child sacrifice! It sounds horrific that dolls were given as gifts as symbols or proxies of children burnt to pagan gods. People still allow the echoes of their cries to be heard in the modern tradition of hanging cherubs or human figures on Christmas trees! The ancient Greeks also placed small masks called oscilla on branches as offerings to various deities. The custom of hanging these oscilla represents an older practice of expiating human sacrifice. Not only did ancient Saturn-worship and fire-worship involve child sacrifice, it also included cannibalism. Cannibalism appears to have been initiated by Cronus (i.e. Saturn) who is represented as devouring his own children.}Biblical AccountWhen the ancient Israelites entered Palestine, they encountered a people who worshiped the god Moloch, the precursor of Saturn and Kronos. Historian Alexander Hislop notes: "As the representative of Moloch or Baal, infants were the most acceptable offerings at [Nimrod’s] altar. We have ample and melancholy evidence on this subject from the records of antiquity. ‘The Phoenicians,’ [Canaanites who settled the area around Lebanon] says Eusebius, ‘every year sacrificed their beloved and only-begotten children to Kronos or Saturn’" (The Two Babylons, p. 231).
Though God forbade His people from following the Canaanites’ example, they slid into this morbid practice: "They even sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons, and shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan" (Psalm 106:37–38).I feel very convicted about this. Don't go crazy on me, I'm just telling the truth (which shall set you free, right?). And please don't respond with "Well God knows our hearts so its okay." Yes He does know our hearts and He has said that they are decietfully wicked. God has spoken to us in scripture though.The origin is CLEAR. The SCRIPTURES are CLEAR. What will you do? Will you be like every other American and blatenly ignore God's word and command because you enjoy the holidays? There are Festivals created by God in the scriptures, why do we insist on keeping pagan holidays and ignore the one's created specifically by God to remember what He has done and what He will do? Who is more important God or man?"Now therefore fear the LORD and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD." -- Joshua 24:14"And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the LORD, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." -- Joshua 24:15
Now that you've read this, you'll be held accountable. Sorry.