Note by Me: I disagree with it solely being masonic. It's also a Jesuit/Illuminati conspiracy. This person omits this. I don't agree with the video's endorsement of 7th Day Adventism ,but is right on exposing the Jesuits.
By Timothy
is the link of the video.
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: MinuteMan
Scruffy: Enemy Combatant, Number One Insurgent
Swayin' to the rythm of the New World Order
~Radical Truth~
Date: Dec 27, 2007 5:38 AM
So pass this around to the people that you know and it's helped people to look at things from a completely different perspective outside of the box. Outside of the low level matrix and this truly is a complete matrix.
The stuff we've been talking about so far even though it shocks some people and I've had people tell me that when they initially listened to my various shows they thought I was absolutely crazy and that's how it appears from someone inside the box. The Plato's Cave where everything's been made along and explained in the confines of that cave and you can make anything appear to be sensible if you've enough indoctrination whether it's a flat earth or a square earth or hollow earth. It's all the same stuff. Indoctrination attached to some imagination can do wonders.
It can take you on trips without the use of drugs and the spoken word and the written word have been used for thousands of years by masters in this field. We are guided through all these labyrinths through authorized authors and every age has them - the famous ones who create mystery and confusion and yet always guide us to the next point where the planners want us to arrive. It's an ongoing process.
The one connection everything has in your entire system is not a Catholic system or a Protestant system or a Jewish system, a Muslim system, a Buddhist system or any other type of system.
IT'S A FREE MASONIC SYSTEM. The one interlinking web between all - even the triads of China is Freemasonry. None other. It's interwoven throughout all the religions. All the creeds. All the peoples from the top of your system at the federal level. In fact, from the United Nations level is a fraternity of Freemasons in there. Their job is to get all the other ones who thought they were fighting each other at one point together.
A good example of this is what's happened for an awful long time since England was tampering into the affairs of Ireland and the troubles as it's called the conflict because they put a Presbyterian crew into Ulster who became the sort of overlords for a while in the 1800s of Ireland and this was guaranteed to cause trouble right up to the present time.
However, there are different factions that fight against them. The official IRA as it was called at one time was actually a communist sect and then you had the provincial group started up and out of all of this as they went through the routine of eventually seeming to disarm and come to terms in the last few years with England, low and behold Ireland is now in the Economic Union. They have the European Parliament over their heads. Well there's a freedom for you. So you come out after fighting all this time for some kind of freedom to find - because you think you're free or getting there you're actually under the EU. That's how clever this system is.
And many people in Ireland for instance are quite happy for the present because under the rules of the EU which is just a branch really of the UN as Karl Marx talked about they give tax monies as grants to start businesses up for the poorer countries. However, along with those grants they've given to Ireland they also have the Russian mob who's moved into Ireland big time to get the free grants. There's always a play here with preordained things going on and organizations that are kept quiet in the background and never connect them until you see them moving in. There are strategies going on all the time.
Recently, we saw an amazing funeral for President Ford and people saw A MASONIC PARADE and saw A MASONIC FUNERAL and to an extent is the exoteric part of it and Joe Public again chomps on his burger and thinks no more about it that FREEMASONRY IS INTERLINKED ALL THROUGH HIS POLICE, ALL THROUGH EVERY BOARD THAT DIRECTS HIS LIFE TO THE POLITICIANS TO THOSE ABOVE THE POLITICIANS. THROUGH THE MILITARY. THROUGH THE SECRET POLICE WE HAVE ALL OVER THE WORLD.
THEY'RE ALL FREEMASONS but we're suppose to just accept it as some kind of natural phenomena because they have this front for being a charitable organizations even though on their own websites these organizations will give you a public library which is rubbish and they will tell you they have the archives for their own members who must prove the membership.
In the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry they gave a tribute to Brother Ford and on their site they even put a picture up with all these guys with their suits on and the little pinafores you know the for of the pina - the pina-fore. At one time pinafores were something that women would use at the kitchen sink and these guys hardly wash dishes especially with those funny gloves on. But they have their pinafore kind of like American Indians only they have their legs covered and the pinafore in front and that's why in "The Pirates of Penzance" the opera that they go through a mock initiation and a lot of Masonic terms in the opera the ship was called "HMS Pinafore". It's flaunted in your face all the time.
Here's a blurb they did on their own website at the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Washington, D.C. for the Southern Jurisdiction. They have jurisdictions, they have regions - that's where regionalization came. It's all Masonic and they also have lodges within those regions and they call they valleys and you'll get that from Francis Bacon's "New Atlantis". He talks about the people in the mountains and the valley people. The valley people were the lowest of the low so however those funny guys with their gloves and their pinafores.
Here's what they said:
"Masons from the Washington D.C. metro area gathered at Naval Lodge No. 4, located at 330--"
Alan: 33 of course and the zero of course would be your degree.
"Pennsylvania Ave S.E., on Sunday December 31, 2006, to honor Brother Gerald R. Ford, 33rd, Grand Cross. The Brethren processed to the U.S. Capitol rotunda, stopping briefly in front of the Capitol at the statue of former President and Brother James A. Garfield. A brief speech was given by Brother Alan Patterson, Senior Warden of Naval Lodge No. 4. Washington, D.C. and a prayer by Brother Robert W. New, Chaplain for Acacia Lodge No. 16, in Clifton, Virginia. The Brethren waited their turn to show their respect and honor to their fallen Brother. Reporter Laura Marquez of Good Morning America, ABC News interviewed the Brethren, including Jules Tepper, Past Grand Master of the District of Columbia who described the bond Masons share and Brother Ford saying, “He built character. He built integrity."
Alan: He's a builder you see.
"He built honesty. Tepper was among a group of over 80 Brethren who paraded through the Capitol that morning. In his free time, Brother Tepper serves as a Masonic guide at the House of the Temple. People took photographs of the Masons, who were proudly wearing their regalia. The men were often questioned by Capitol Hill Police officers and others who were paying tribute to Ford, which gave them the opportunity to explain who they were and why they were there."
Alan: Yeah, they'd have to tell the police. What a joke. THE POLICE ARE FREEMASONS. EVERY COP KNOWS TO JOIN.
"Masons across the country are paying tribute to Brother Ford in various ways. In his home state of Michigan, Grand Master Walter F. Wheeler ordered the Freemasons to drape the altars in all 335 Masonic Lodges throughout the state for 30 days in memory of the former President and Brother."
Alan: The first photo that they show you on the site was from the Brethren from the Washington, D.C. metro area. The second photo - well there's a whole bunch of people in the back there. They tell you who they are and I'm sure who all are involved in politics and anything that really matters in this particular system. And it should be mentioned here too you see that EVERY PRESIDENT is offered the right to become a 33 degree Mason are these photographs with his - with all the regalia given to him during his little ceremony. EVERY PRESIDENT IS GIVEN THE HONOR OF A 33 DEGREE IN FREEMASONRY. The reason they're given it is because THEY ALREADY ARE MASONS even some other lodges because all Masonic lodges are connected regardless of what they call it. It's the interwoven system which is all around us and we have the same in the female system with many names for the same thing and I've even seen people locally gathering information on the locals through gossip and you know which ones are doing it and that's how intelligence is gathered on everybody in your little community. Just through plain gossip.
The lower Masons they think they're builders are really rough Masons according to those at the top. They do what they're told to not only keep this system going, but they're told to spread the next part of the agenda amongst the populations. Many editors you find are Freemasons because they get up the ranks much quicker. Anyone who's useful in persuading populations to go in a certain direction - different things are always pulled out and pushed up much quicker. The ones at the bottom just tend to functions, do enough little speculation and participate in little rituals and think they understand it all and of course they wear little aprons to show you that from their loins comes supposedly more perfected beings and these characters at the bottom haven't been given the intergenerational wives to mate with so their children aren't different than anyone else's really. They don't even know what's going on but they're happy with their freebees.
So much mystique has been put out by Freemasonry to attract members in and mystery and fascination and myth. Yet if you go into the actual history of these societies they always called the majority of the public "the profane" those in the darkness their mon and it hasn't changed today. They guide the mob as they say. They are the lights that guide the mob. They take the credit for shaping the educational system. Well we know the brainwashing that's the whole agenda of education and guiding the future always. During the 1600s and 1700s the pirates and Rosicrucian's with their Skull and Bones flag sailed the oceans just looting and burning ships. Looting and looting and looting and they didn't simply squander the money that they were looting. It went into a big, big kitty in selected places including old selected places which the Templars had been using since they pretended to disappear in North America long before Columbus came here. Then that money was used to raise certain families to the top to become leaders and create the foundations which now guide us.
Carroll Quigley talked about the foundations and how they're totally interconnected with the corporations - international corporations and the new system of the New World Order will be comprised of these big foundations and corporations which will then have a feudal type system with the foundations and corporations being the feudal overlords and that's already happened. It's here in fact.
All those in the military industrial complex all those corporations are part of it. The big companies that make the microchips and especially the ones that we'll all get chipped with eventually for our brains are all supra governmental organizations that even get indirect funding from the taxpayer. There's nothing new at all about public/private - you have the secret services the CIA type organizations involved. They have many front organizations which actually produce things especially in the technological area.
Now a while back I talked about the international science meeting that was held at Loyola University in Louisiana and it was pretty well all about the brain chip and it was discussed openly. The U.S. Department of Commerce - your tax money paid for this international meeting and politics was never mentioned by any scientist or any spokesperson during the entire meeting because they know that politics is just for the people down below. THEY WORK FOR THE REAL GOVERNMENT. THE REAL MOVERS AND SHAKERS OF THE WORLD WHO ARE THE REAL BUILDERS. THE REAL MASONS. THE ONES WHO REALLY BUILD IT, PLUS THE ARCHITECTS an awful lot higher than little guys with their little pinnes on and at that meeting at Loyola they talked about the fact that the chip was ready to go which means it's all tested and perfected and they have regional computers set up which will interface with everyone who gets chipped and will basically program each individual.
The only problem they said was to GET THE PUBLIC TO ACCEPT THE CHIP. One of the spokesman said, "this will be done mainly through propaganda and via entertainment." Entertainment is the easiest method of promoting an idea that becomes fascinating to the public. We get carried away with the tails and the mystique of the story never dawning on the real intent of what we're suppose to be downloaded with. They said that novels and cartoons and movies will not or we hope to but will have the chip in this way somewhere and it would take especially to the young because the young would think they'll be given special powers like the comic book characters.
Well you probably know I guess a lot of you already know that this has been promoted. It's already been out through different movies and cartoons. Now the Public Broadcasting Service the PBS which has been one of the main areas for propagandizing the public through all these wildlife programs et cetera that's never ending and you can find about the sex life of ants after your dinner and stuff like that. While the PBS have all the stations and the PBS by the way is interlinked with the Canadian one and the U.S. are both - we get the same programs. They just move them around because it's all the same propaganda.
They put out a pilot series - an exciting new pilot series and had a lot of the big experts on the futurists societies - now the futurists societies are where various scientists gather with novelists primarily and they dish out grants to certain novelists to write stories around the topics that are given. It's no different from how science itself works. You guide the course of science by handing out the grants to the scientists. THEY LIVE ON GRANTS THEIR WHOLE LIVES. So you direct the course of humankind by who you give the grants to and for what purpose.
A guy that's trying to cure something will not get the grant. The guy who makes the weapon will if that happens to be the agenda. It's the same with novels since that's the main technique of bypassing the sensor part of our brain which would warn us about what's going on because it's weary. It's down when we're being entertained. So you wrap an exciting story with sex and violence to stimulate all the different neurons in the system. Brainwashing is better that way apparently and they know this. This is a fact and you wrap it up with special powers and so on and then you go on a journey and all the children will just love this series coming out and here's the blurb about the show.
"Ever wonder what the world is going to be like in the future?"
Alan: Well gee, I don't know.
"Will people routinely live to see their 250th birthdays?"
Alan: Well maybe Maurice Strong and Rockefellers and Queen's own knight but since they have a Department of Population Control in the UN I doubt Joe Blow is going to see this.
"Will personal computers be smarter than us? "
Alan: Well let's hope so.
"(Or more personable?)
Alan: Well that's also maybe --
"Will machines shrink so small they can make repairs inside a human cell? Science fantasy or futuristic nightmare? 22nd Century takes you to the forefront of technology and hears from people on the cusp of a scientific revolution."
Alan: They're trying to make you think this is all brand new. They've had it sitting waiting in the wings.
"In the first episode we will meet a young man who was rendered unable to communicate with the outside world due to a devastating automobile accident."
Alan: Well there you go. It's going to help the poor and sick and disabled.
"Surgeons implanted an electrode in his brain and it has allowed him to break out of his isolation and communicate just by thinking about what he wants to say."
Alan: Well yeah isn't that nice and charitable and wonderful.
"In another segment a leading neurophysicist tells how he has developed bundles of wires thinner than spider webs that can be inserted into the blood vessels of human brains. The series is hosted by Robin Robinson,"
Alan: That's an interesting term. Robin Robinson. You see in the Middle Ages they had fertility rites and during the orgy part of the rites - this is for populations in Europe and it's all pre-Christian. It actually continued up through the Christian era. They just don't like to talk about it. The drive to lead was eradicated pretty early on but the offspring of that particular night ended up being called Robinson and the man who wore the red outfit was called Robin. Anyway I'm digressing.
"a Chicago-based journalist, who is joined by two virtual co-hosts,"
Alan: Virtual co-hosts hey.
"each with insightful and often conflicting viewpoints about the merits of this new technology. One is an actor playing Aldous Huxley"
Alan: Well my, my, my. I really am surprised. I'm falling off my chair. Aldous Huxley, the man who was only motivated from his perpetual death state really. I think they wound him up towards the end and put him on the stage. But he was animated when we talked about putting wires in peoples brains in Tavistock where he worked.
"the late author of Brave New World, who worried about the dehumanizing consequences of scientific discoveries."
Alan: He didn't worry about that at all. It takes a human to worry about these things.
"The other is Orlanda Bell,"
Alan: Orlanda Bell ooh interesting.
"a time-traveling visitor from the future, who represents the best-case scenario of these technological advancements. Is this a future that will benefit the human race? Or will we lose all sense of individuality? Find out on the premiere episode of the 22nd Century."
Alan: Interestingly enough they have a big sign underneath a part of the increasing disconnected personal relationships bit on their site. It's say sublimate. Isn't it interesting? You will be assimilated and the money that's gone in to this pilot series is big bucks, big, big bucks and you'll find there's big corporations and they've got professors involved in putting this together because it has a purpose - a big purpose beyond like all entertainment does today beyond simply passing your timeframe. This is important. Not surprising they've got Spielberg in unless he's come in to the main series, I don't know and of course they're going to tell the children that they you have telepathic thought. Oh wow. And then there's another about a guy with a computer in his skull and a computer for your eyes just like the borg had. It had one eye red and could see in the dark so that when your wife says have you been drinking again you can say no.
Wire your brain, watch the story. Rewired. I think that Wired Magazine has something to do about his as well. But you find these futurists think tanks as I say since the days of H.G. Wells brought in the scientists as I say with the novelists. Told them to wrap novels around particular stories. It's like smuggling something into a place and putting it there covertly and then walking away. You leave the package behind. That's how they download us with the real intent or the real idea and this will be fascinating to watch the couch potato people and those who get all their information from television and it certainly will be fascinating for the children. They'll want this. They really want it.
I've already had information from someone within the U.S. federal government that they've had think tanks working on giving it snob appeal to get adults to go for it. Now snob appeal you've seen used in advertising through different grades of cars and XL and all this kind of stuff. It gives it a snob appeal or that you'll get the bronze card or the silver card or the gold card or the platinum card. Same idea and like all this they want us to walk into the trap willingly. The willing fool.
So to continue with this little blurb here on Aldous Huxley the character visioning the future he's called a Luddite by a hologram guide woman for complaining about not wanting strangers inside his head. This will mean that no one will ever be lonely again.
Well isn't that nice. No more loneliness. Can't handle it. It's so awful to be alone - they'll give you the total makeover. The PBS website has that for viewing all this stuff and I'll mention it at the end of my present blurb. The propaganda that they give out here is:
"Many scientists and futurists believe we're on the verge of a technological revolution. It will look like a page ripped directly from a sci-fi novel."
Alan: And that's what you should do with them is rip them apart.
"22nd Century dives head-first into this brave new world on Wednesday, January 17, 2007, at 8 pm. The program is one of three science pilots airing on PBS in January; only one pilot will move forward to become a series. Watch online or on-air and then tell us what you think of the program using the feedback form below."
Alan: Now, that's the poll taking to see what they have to adjust to brainwash you more effectively and lots will do it do only to gladly.
"In the premiere episode, guests arrive from the future, past and present to guide you through a quirky tour of the “World Wide Mind,”
Alan: Oh, the WWM - the new world, right?
"an intriguing theory that proposes that in the future our brains will be wired up so that we can communicate with the world effortlessly and instantly."
Alan: They're doing all this because they love us. They love us they do.
"Science fantasy or futuristic nightmare? Watch the show and decide for yourself!"
Alan: And you can read about all of this if you really want to. I'm sure you all do at This will be pushed to the hilt and they'll be a lot of spin offs and probably movies will come out in the mainstream all merging this stuff together until we're all wanting it. We’ll be panting for it where you'll live in a world where you be James Bond one day and King Lear the next. It will be fantastic and Aldous Huxley - the two - that's what Aldo means. It's the two. It's the two and it's a feminine and male meaning two. The dyad and Huxley's the hex - the way of the hex, the spell. These characters don't miss a trick and neither do the names they give them generations ago all beginning way back in Bacon's time. So they're going to give you a fascinating things where you'll jump over big building like Superman in a giant stride and be like Spiderman and do fantastic things and you can kill whole armies just by thinking and they'll just get demolished in front of you. And you can have all kinds of strange weird sexual fantasies where sex will be better than sex and so on and that's where they're going to push this thing. One of the first movies where they gave that idea of sex being better than sex through science was an old movie called, "Barbarella" with Jane Fonda. It's a surrealistic type novel and a lot of esoteric stuff written into it including the names of the people involved - the characters involved in the movie and they put their hands together and they have this strange organism and whole icebergs shatter et cetera and we saw the same thing in the Sylvester Stallone movies where he's brought back from cryogenics - the cop "Demolition Man". Same sort of idea and people will go for this because they'll always use the same techniques and sex never fails. That's why advertising uses it all the time. You never change techniques when they work. You don't have to change them. You simply add something new on to them and lots of people are obsessed with it today because any drive within a person or a need for survival whether it's food or sex or whatever can be pushed to an extreme by constantly advertising it and that's what you see when they're sitting there watching TV they sit and eat and eat and eat because there's ads on all the time about smiling faces and how happy you're going to be if you just eat whatever it is you'll eat and that's what's been promoted since the '60s non-stop pretty well was the sexual aspect of things too to destroy the family and get promiscuity going and the idea of a special person is put out of your mind altogether. That was decided in the 1800s that that would be pushed and H.G. Wells wrote about it back then when he pushed the "free love" they called it at that time in the 1880s, 1890s. There's nothing new here if you know your history at all and when you know the future this is to be expected this kind of stuff. But you also do understand by understanding humanity that many people will go for this and for those who will not go for it don't panic. Don't worry about it. You can't worry about the other people who will go along with it and you can't stop them either.
If ENOUGH CRISIS IS CREATED within this system which it will be - it's gradually increasing where you give them a pill that promises to ease their pain and their worry or a chip believe you me the people will take it when they come to a certain stress point and initially I'm sure a chip will have some of the lesser aspects of what they're promoting but very low down that is and they certainly can stimulate chemical releases within the brain - hormonal releases in different types and many kinds of hormones interact with chemicals in the brain to alter your mood, your states - altered states. So you can certainly use that as a mechanical type means of tranquilizer and many people will take that if they're under enough stress and we certainly are under stress today as they give us panic from all directions and the average individual feels he's powerless or she's powerless and there's no point in saving up money even if you could because you're not in charge of how much it's worth or if it will be worthless tomorrow. So you're kept constantly on edge and that's how you control society keeping them on edge all the time. Remember that this is an ongoing war and it's been going on long before you were born where elites have always gathered and discussed the purpose of humanity and the function of all the lesser peoples and who has the right to guide it and what is the function of the lesser peoples.
We're approaching the time when it's rather obvious since all the factories and so on have been taken out of Europe and the Americas and gone to China and that was planned long before I was born that EVENTUALLY WHOLE CATEGORIES OF PEOPLE WILL HAVE NO PURPOSE IN THIS SYSTEM. We can't all work on computers. Not everyone goes that way. People have different skills, different likes and dislikes and that's nature, that's natural but for those who control the world who see the world as being their and everyone in it as being theirs EVERYONE MUST HAVE A PURPOSE TO SERVE THE SYSTEM otherwise it's extraneous and they truly believe that the "useless eaters" must not be allowed to live that the "useless eaters" will drag the system down and this world must be run on efficiency. That's why they go on and on about the stuff we're squandering - we're consuming the planet - their planet remember and that really upsets them since they plan on their offspring running this world in the next thousand years or a million as Charles Galton Darwin talked about in his book and that's quite the boast. And every great economist and great meaning big - anything that's great in history means it's one of theirs. Grand like the Grand Lodge is Great Lodge. So when we see GREAT attached to anything you know IT'S THEIRS. Any great economist in the system - in the history of the system has been one of theirs has talked about the coming centuries and they wrote about this in the 1700s and the 1800s of how they'd have to eradicate certain peoples who would have no purpose in their system all based on evolution - superior and inferior types. We should listen to the declarations of the United Nations very carefully. They declared that CHINA is the MODEL STATE of the ENTIRE WORLD.
That means that they're backing it as an example of how they're all suppose to go. Well look at China with their abortion policy. Their mandatory abortion for second children. A totalitarian system which supposedly is still Communist but really it's always be Fascist and they really are the same anyway. It doesn't make any difference. It's totalitarian and they're a rising middle class now who can afford to buy the products they make but they're also devastating the country with pollution. They don't have any restrictions there. Almost the same with Mexico. They have been given permission to pollute as much as they want because it's a temporary measure anyway and that tells us that at the rate of pollution in China that even those who are working in China in the future in the factories will be much smaller - in smaller factories, in smaller areas, communities and the peasantry will no longer be around. They're still bringing their water in from the rivers to irrigate the fields in China and the rivers are polluted to an incredible degree with heavy metals and such, just poured into them.
They've done documentaries on this and all the officials just throw up their hands and say well we just don't know what to do as always and it's rather obvious if you sit and think about it. Well yeah they'll still be the producers or manufacturers for the New World, but they have a much smaller production team required for a much smaller population of the world and they are dying off many of the so called peasantry. I hate that term but that's what they've given us as they wade up to their knees in muck or cadmium and other heavy metals and they scatter this on their fields because they have nothing else. That's intentional. They are not dummies at the top. They know exactly what they're doing. Mistakes like this don't happen by chance and believe you me the elite will always look after their own survival in every era, always. Now think about this chip again for a minute. "The chip off the old block." Why would any individual allow his mind to be taken over by a creation of someone else whether you live a fantasy in your head which is electronically induced or whatever - someone else wrote the program. Someone else is now inside your head with their program and your thoughts will no longer be your own. Why would you give your right up to be completely dominated - completely 100% dominated - the dream of the tyrants down through the ages. Why would you give it all up and be sold a fantasy?
This is part of the dehumanizing process. You could never have taken this idea to a people who still held life up in any form of sanctity. You could never have promoted this idea to people who had true community and bonding with each other. You could never promote this idea where people had respect for the living and all life - all human life. And we've all lived through the era where science - the religion of science as it was designed to do has taken over from the old techniques of indoctrinations which still allowed us to be human. They hadn't quite taken that away from us and given it to the 'white coated priests' and the 'spin merchants' to dehumanize us until we don't care about all the body parts being sold like any other business all across the planet sold. Bought and sold body parts and it's hard to attack them under the guise of well we're helping somebody.
They can take us to the abyss and over through this technique if we allow it and we've all heard about the aborted fetal tissue being used for inoculations now. They use to use animals. They're using human tissue. That should be called cannibalism. You see the taking in of another's flesh in any form. It doesn't matter if you eat it or inject it. It's the same thing. It's cannibalism. That's what it is and it's a business. A business. And we're so broken up from each other that we can sit and escape now and then within our minds into the happy, happy thoughts which again are generally promoted to us in fantasies because we don't want to look at these nasty things out there. Don't be so negative the New Agers say. In fact, the New Agers don't look at anything that's going to get them in the end. They're perfect. They're goners in fact. They've been trained not to look at the negative and yet LOOKING AT THE NEGATIVE IS A SURVIVAL MECHANISM. That's why when you see what's coming you get out of the way. Well don't be negative. Stick your head in the sand and chant on. There's no negativity here. When you understand what's happening you've broken through. When you've broken through the gossip, the reactions to the gossip and by that I mean politics and all that kind of stuff in the media - when you've broken through all of that and you don't react in the expected methods of being upset and angry and let's complain to our Congressman or a local representative - when you've broken past that and you know you're already run by a super government and every politician knows this. Every single one knows this.
When you've broken through all that and by passed it and flown above it then you won't be so worried and you won't be reacting. You'll be resolute but you can't be conned and you will have the ability to teach truth to others and hopefully children even when you're up against an amazing battle because they always fight for the children. It's the young ones coming up they must program. The older ones will always die off. This is ongoing. In a true rounding in history with the massacres and the abuse of vast populations by the few must be taught to the children so that they will be able to see that this chip is being given us by our benefactors might not be so beneficial after all. After all, it's the benefactors who tell us that nature hasn't changed. Well neither has their hey. Not at all and I think of all the rebellions down through the thousands of years of oppressed peoples generally who are at the end of their tether because people don't rebel until they're against the wall and that itself is a predictable science. They know how far to push people before. They kick back or they scream or shout or whatever or start throwing stones against tanks and stuff like that. This is an old, old technique that's well understood.
People like peace even though their threatened they'll go to the very wall before they retaliate and then they become an unorganized mob. They have no communications or plan or anything else and they're up against organization. Well understood this is organization. Everything at the top and everybody in at the top is interconnected already towards this whole global agenda but you can certainly teach the children some truths and don't hold back on the horrors of the past to shield little Tommy from the truth. You're doing them no favors whatsoever. None at all. People have fought for the freedom not only of what they do or say and that's been taken away to and think for thousands of years against those who are destroying and steal your whole mind and through entertainment they're going to be persuaded with the added frustration and fear with the new life that's coming - the gradual build up of fear and uncertainty they're going to go for this chip and give up the only thing they have. The only connection they have to something beyond all of this and everybody in it. THE INDIVIDUAL CONNECTION. The Ghost in the Machine, you. We'll all be the borg because once enough people have this chip the real purpose will occur when they throw the switch and there's no more you. No more daydreams. No more affection. No more joy, tears, laughter all of that stuff and sorrow all part of being human they'll be none of that and they'll be no ability to even reach that again. In fact, they'll be no more you. You'll be an efficiently run robot.
There is nothing given out to the public that's for the publics benefit. Never has been. It's been to serve the business machine. The driving force and that's what it's been all about up until now and now they're after your mind as well. Not just a little plot of dirt you sit on or the labor they tax back from you with money but THEY WANT YOUR MIND AND THEY WANT EVERYONES MIND AND THE CHILDREN'S MINDS. THEY WANT TO ERADICATE ALL CREATIVITY THAT'S OUTSIDE OF THEIR CONTROL. The dream that surpasses the dreams of every dictator from the ancient past to the present and we still have the same ones today. There’s no difference in personal makeup. In fact, often it’s the same lineages. It's definitely the same religion behind it and we're going to give all of that up for a fantasy.
Well oh goody and as Mr. Warwick that prune - a prune is something by the way that starts off rather tasty but tends to go right through you. That prune Warwick with his little injection in the brain. That's all it will be as he promotes this stuff as an exciting thing to have. We use to call that lobotomies and leucotomies. Anything stuck through your grey matter you see kills cells off but it's a good cause you see. We'll have world peace. We'll all be one. Wow. How exciting. Do you know anybody outside yourself you'd like to be or be like? What's wrong with you? The joy in this life is finding out who you are and when the miracles apart from all the many, many miracles in this life is when you realize the abundance of different people with different things and different perspectives and views and at one time they were called characters. They had them all over the place. Today, they've become so similar. They've been eradicating the characters. What a sad, sad world that would be. The quiet earth where everybody's quietly working like robots or ants on their programmed tasks and they’re trying to make this exciting because they love you. They love you. Gush, gush, gush.
Don't panic. Teach those around you what you know. Don't panic when you tell them. Don't tell them about all the other stuff that you know. You'll terrify them. They're not ready for it. A little bit at a time is all you give them but the children must be told the histories of the tyrannies on this planet and the ongoing ones too. Don't shield them from it. They must know for their own survival.