Friday, December 21, 2007

I Abhor Stereotypes



Racial stereotypes are something that I detest. "The Great Debate" is a movie describing a true story. That true story revolved around a group of young black people who praticipated in rigirous,excellent debates against college aged students. On some cases, they won the debate. This and other example crush the stereotype of people of color in general possessing low intellect and analytical capacity to evaluate specific issues. Now, there are tons of religious stereotypes going on today. Mike Huckabee made a commercial wishing nice holidays. I'm no Huckabee fan (evident on how he support decievers like CFR member Rick Warren and Kenneth Copeland), but he has a First Amendment right to show it. I don't believe it was subiminally advocating some type of theocracy. Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell is wrong to imply that Huckabee is wanting fascism under the sign of a cross. I don't believe Mike advocates fascism, but he's misguided and wrong on many issues. Many lie like Lew Rockwell who collectively blame conservative Christians for advancing fascism. What Lew fail to understand is many conservative Christians (like David Stewart) have been exposing the new world order, abortion (abortion is murder killing unborn babies limb from limb. Research from Mosher and others proved that Roe v. Wade might of contributed to the Social Security problems Here's more information. 80,000 abortions occur in India yearly There are other news. The Nicaragua Medical Association President Reports that Maternal Deaths Declined After Abortion Made Illegal. I can name dozens of more stats. We have the stats on our side), fascism, against drafts, poverty, health problems, the threats against the right of self defense, torture, and a host of anti-civil liberty precepts before others jumped on the bandwagon. Hyprocites like Jesuit- trained Chris Matthews (who went into Holy Cross college and a friend of Knight of Malta Pat Buchanan. Pat is right on many issues, but refuses to expose how the Vatican plus other factions are some of the leaders in promoting illegal immigration) lecture about mixing religion and politicals. Can these hypocrites Show me one rule in the Constitution that it was illegal to talk about religion in political speech or mix religion and politics in other devices. I don't see any. Presidents for centuries used religious speech in their oratory. Also, many civil rights leaders utilized religious justification for their policies. It's straight up hypocritical to condemn religious conservative people to publicly outlining religious thought in the public square, while not condemning Dr. Martin Luther King or Wilberforce for constantly using religious connontations publicly and poltically to advance their causes. Not to mention that suppressing religion from the political debate is violating the First Amendment of free speech and the freedom of religion. Many liberals are right on some of these issues as well. I don't believe that the government ought to control society via religion, yet likewise, I don't endorse the government suppressing religious liberty in America. Religious liberty has gone down in America. Just look at the Philadephia 11, peaceful pro lifers being assaulted by even police on some occasions, Bible reading banned, religious symbols banned in the public square on some occasions, and other examples. Global religious liberty problems fester in China, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India, etc.  I'm not intimidated by those in the mainstream media or those claiming to be in the alternative media promoting idoitic stereotypes. In New Orleans, many individjuals protested the proposed demolition of property. Later, used pepper spray and assualted many of the protestors. Some of the images are spread all over Youtube. Agence France-Presse from December 20, 2007 reported on how Sitting Bull's descendants are leaving America and forming their own nation. What do I think of that. They have every right to do that since the government failed to fully abide by their treaties toward the Native Americans. Other news is how the Carlyle Group buys up the Magna Carta. That's irony since that Group promotes anti-freedom principles and buys up a law that's one foundation of our laws. The Carlyle Group is owned by the British and Americans (with SMOMs, CFR members, etc.).

I don't accept or believe in the false ideologies of the Neo Cons like Neil Boortz, Medved, Rush Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Glen Beck (who compared many Ron Paul supporters to terrorists), Hannity, and the rest of them. I'm against a National ID card, torture, the Iraq war, the new world order, and other evils. National Treasure 2: The book of Secrets is coming on today in movie theatres. Like many of these movies, it's based on some truth. Bruckheimer admitted that it's true that John Wilkes Booth had missing pages of his diary. The plot deals with the accusation that Nicholas Cage's character's ancestor had involvement in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Cage tried to clear his family name and he found a Secret Book of Secret describing secrets from Secret Societies, UFO's, Masonry, JFK, Lincoln, etc. It implies that Masonry is involved in these conspiracy. The truth is that Freemasonry has been involved in real conspiracies spanning a long time. Here's examples. A NY Court, many authors, and one man on his death bed proclaimed that Masons murdered William Morgan for his explosure of Masonry. Many Freemasons like 33rd Degree Freemason William Smith in the New Age Magazine of 1950 advocate a new race, a new religion, and a new world order (they justified this because they said that many Founding Fathers wanted this goal). Some Masons covered up what happened in Lincoln's assassination (like Andrew Johnson delaying Surrat's capture), yet authors like CT Wilcox found the Vatican/Jesuit link to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. This new film appears to have more occult symbolism than the first one. They include the Square and Compass (representing generative or the uniting female and male influence to produce a child). In Secret Societies and Christian Pinto figure that this "Child" could be the Masonic "Christ" or Horus, the AntiChrist. That's the hypotenuse of Pythagorean Theorem. Other symbols are the Maltese Cross, an S, etc. There's the All Seeing Eye in the film. Jonathan Elinoff from the at Thursday on December 20, 2007 harped on how the FBI used bogus evidence to connect Oswald to the JFK assassination (in terms of foresnics). The FBI now admits to this. This opens up cases in other incidents of prisoners also and restricting certain oversight on evidence. Now, over 400 scientists disagree with man-made global warming hysteria. Some of whom are current or former members of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Gore's spokesman don't respect their dissent and say some are recieving payment from Exxon Mobil, which is a lie and canard. The reality is that Gore and his family acquired oil ties for decades. Also, the climate is dynamic and changes constantly from cool to warm through the eons of time. Big Oil and Big Foundations like the CFR and the Trilateral Comission (members of the Elite) are some of the strongest proponents of a global tax and global warming that's man-made. Nick Juliano from the Raw Story on December 20, 2007 reported on the DHS (or the Department of Homeland Security) want to carry on with using satellites for domestic surveillance of Americans. Michael Chertoff claims that it will use warrant, but others programs from NSA have concentrated monitoring domestically without any warrant. I don't trust the big government beaucracy of Homeland Security, the militarization of the police, and the continued police state developments. The reality is that we shouldn't trust the government all of the time since the government is known to commit atrocities from illegal bio-war testings, sending poisonous flouride in our water supply, and to fighting immoral wars. I think we need to focus on the goodness in society as well. I do appreciate the wonderful fluana and flora plus all of God's creation. I do appreciate real Patriots and real leaders standing up for truth and honor in the world as well. Well, the weekend is near and I'm still living on this Earth.

By Timothy