Friday, December 28, 2007

Pro-Life News

A Busy week for Pro-Choicers Category: News and Politics
1) Abortionists with Child Porn- nothing new there
2) Abortionists taken before state medical board- Definitely nothing new there
3) Pro-Choice man gives Girlfriend RU-486 to force her to abort, nothing new there either.
4) Abortionist arrested for Medicaid Fraud - WOW- nothing new there, except he may be doing what many others are doing.
Pro-choicers and abortion clinic doctors and staff have a history of abuse of women. These current stories are just more proof of the same old / same old- where the abortion industry and those who agree with them are concerned.
Read and Puke and never forget that abortionists "Care about women" ( NOT) !!!!!
Abortionist Arrested for Child Porn

According to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, ( Well-known Wash. gynecologist to plead guilty to child porn: 11/29/2007) , an abortionist who worked at Sound Choice Health Center in Olympia has agreed to plead guilty to child pornography charges in Washington State . George E. Kabacy, 68, of Lacey, was indicted, after a child porn suspect in Georgia provided Kabacy's e-mail address - - as a source of the material, court documents show. He was scheduled to enter a guilty plea in U.S. District Court in Tacoma Late November of 2007. FBI Special Agent Ryan Bruett wrote in an affidavit that investigators traced the e-mail address to Kabacy's home, and they also linked it to several hard-core sexual images of prepubescent children on the Internet. When they searched his home in December of 2006, "Dr. Kabacy asked what would happen to him," Bruett wrote. "I responded that if we found any child pornography, he would be placed under arrest. He responded, 'You will.'"
And they did, including a number of compact discs showing young children in sexual situations, Bruett wrote.
Kabacy has been on home electronic monitoring pending trial. In arguing that he should not be held in custody, his attorney noted in court papers: "Mr. Kabacy has no prior criminal history at all. Instead, he has a well-documented history of providing medical services to the people of Oregon and Washington in the face of grave personal danger. ... His life history is one of dealing with adversity and acting responsibly in the face of such, not running away."
Kabacy, who in 1988 was named the Oregon Medical Association's Doctor-Citizen of the Year, has also given up his medical practice, according to court papers.
For More on Abortionists and Sexual Assault go to : Death Roe
California Abortionist Disciplined by State Medical Board
The Medical Board of California has disciplined another California abortionist. For the second time in a dozen years, Dr. Edward K. Wilsonof Los Angeles has been ordered to surrender his license while serving Medical Board-ordered 5 year probation. The Medical Board disciplined Wilson in 1995 for very similar reasons, and he served five years probation. In that case the board ordered that he retain another physician to monitor at least 12 second trimester abortions, that he would be performing. In that case the board found him guilty of gross negligence and incompetence in connection with his care and treatment of four patients at the Her Medical Abortion Clinic. He completed his probation in 1999. According to the California Catholic Daily, in the current case, Medical Board records indicated that there were many similarities to the previous case.
Records indicate that Wilson prescribed medicines without indicating in patients' charts why the drugs were necessary, failed to document physical exams before performing abortions and other procedures, and ordered medical tests without documenting why they were needed. Following a series of hearings, Administrative Law Judge H. Stuart Waxman concluded in March that Wilson was guilty of "repeated negligent acts," "unprofessional conduct," and "failure to maintain adequate records." Wilson was ordered to surrender his license while serving his five years probation, which, according to Medical Board records, he did on June 15. During the probationary period, Wilson must complete a clinical training program, a course on drug-prescribing practices, and a course on medical recordkeeping. He is also required to have a "monitor" review his patients' charts while on probation. Wilson works at Her Medical Clinic at 2700 Figueroa St. in Los Angeles. The clinic has developed some notoriety for the allegedly shoddy treatment women receive there. In 1988, Her Medical Clinic was the subject of a Los Angeles Times news story that pointed out the number of women who had died while undergoing treatment at the facility. The Medical Board has also disciplined other doctors associated with Her Medical Clinic. The clinic's owner, Dr. Leo Kenneally, was accused of gross negligence, incompetence, unsanitary conditions, and aiding and abetting the unlicensed practice of medicine in a case involving the death of patient Michelle Thames, a young African-American woman. Kenneally was also placed on probation. Another Her Medical Clinic physician, Dr. Mahlon Cannon, had his license revoked by the Medical Board following the abortion-related death of 20-year-old Donna Heim. Wilson replaced Cannon on the staff of the clinic. According to the Medical Board, Wilson, who received his medical degree from UCLA in 1963, is a longtime abortionist. "Respondent has spent his medical career specializing in elective abortion and family planning," say Medical Board records.

To View the Medical Board Report- (Must put in name) - click here

Pro-Choicer forced abortion on girlfriend with RU-486
In Wisconsin, a 34-year-old Town of Kaukauna, Wisconsin man has been charged with attempting to cause his pregnant girlfriend to abort by slipping her a drug known as RU-486.
According to the Fond du Lac Reporter, (Use of abortion pill leads to arrest :11-30-2007)
Manishkumar M. Patel, 34, owns an interest in several Fox Valley convenience stores, is accused of mixing the drug Mifepristone also known as RU-486 into his girlfriend's smoothie in September, during a visit to an ice cream parlor after dinner at a restaurant. Patel's had one daughter already with his girlfriend, Darshana Patel ( Patel is a common Indian last name) . Darshana became pregnant two more times with his child and somehow miscarried both babies. In August of 2007, Darshana became pregnant. According to Outagamie County Sheriff's Sgt. Ryan Carpenter, about a week or two before the miscarriage, Manishkumar Patel bought her a smoothie at an ice cream shop. Darshana Patel noticed white powder on the rim and, feigning illness, took the drink back to her office.
Suspecting she had been slipped mifespristone, the abortion pill also known as RU-486, Darshana sent a sample of the smoothie to a California lab for analysis, Carpenter said. Her suspicion stemmed in part from an earlier incident, in November 2006 when she was also pregnant. In that incident, Darshana alleges that Patel had given her a glass of milk he said contained saffron, making her violently ill. The next morning she expelled her 14-week-old unborn child. Ten months later, the woman miscarried a second time. She blames Patel for both miscarriages, according to the complaint, though he is not charged in connection with either.
According to the Associated Press, Outagamie County Court Commissioner Brian Figy ordered Patel held on $750,000 bail after Assistant District Attorney Mark Schroeder said he had a net worth of $400,000 and investigators found evidence he had been looking at flights to Germany. Manishkumar Patel told investigators he gave his girlfriend the drug but would not give them details on how he did it, Carpenter said. Investigators believe he got the drug outside the U.S. because it must be obtained here from a doctor and taken in the doctor's office, he said.
"The allegations are devious, diabolical and disturbing," Figy said. "Extraordinary cases deserve extraordinary care."
Patel was charged with seven felonies and two misdemeanors, including attempted first-degree intentional homicide of an unborn child, stalking, burglary and two counts of violating a restraining order. The nine charges carry a maximum penalty of 99 1/2 years in prison and a $92,000 fine.

Man assaults girlfriend when she refuses to abort her baby
In Texas, a 26-year-old Tyler man was convicted of assault after he beat his 17-year-old girlfriend when she refused an abortion. According the Tyler Morning Telegraph, (Man On Trial For Beating Pregnan Girlfriend:11/15/2007) , during the November 2007 trial, Prosecutors accused Jason Lee Cook, of beating up his pregnant teenage girlfriend ,Chaundra Crumpton ,and threatening to kill her if she didn't get an abortion. Assistant Smith County District Attorney Peter Keim told jurors during opening statements that on Nov. 7, 2006, Crumpton told Cook she was pregnant, but it was news the father of three children didn't want to hear. Cook told her to get an abortion and, when she refused, he began beating her stomach with his fist, Keim said. Cook then allegedly pulled out a gun and pointed it to the victim's head, he said. Crumpton told police that after she refused the abortion, Cook punched her in the stomach five times, having her head shoved into a dresser and having a handgun pointed to her forehead. Crumpton's cousin said that when Crumpton told Cook she was pregnant, Cook began talking to her about getting an abortion or putting the baby up for adoption. He offered to give them money and said he already had children and didn't want any more. Tyler Police Officer Robert Matthews II testified that Crumpton reported to him that after she refused to get rid of the baby she was carrying, Cook told her, "If you're not going to get an abortion, I'll give you one myself."Officer Matthews said the victim also reported that Cook told her that if she didn't get an abortion, he'd kill her. Officer Matthews testified that the victim's injuries were consistent with what she said happened.
A November 17,2007 article in the Tyler Telegraph, (Man Gets Sentence For Assaulting Pregnant Girlfriend),
reported that Assistant Smith County District Attorney Amanda Dillon said Cook, already a father of three, took the victim over to his house and assaulted her because he didn't want the baby she was carrying. "If you won't get an abortion, then I'll beat it out of you," the victim reported Cook telling her as he beat her in the stomach, Dillon said. On November 15,2007, Cook was convicted of misdemeanor assault for the attack. Cook faced up to life in prison if convicted of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. A Smith County jury in 7th District Judge Kerry Russell's court instead found him guilty of the lesser-included misdemeanor charge of assault. The jurors sentenced Cook to the maximum one-year jail sentence and a $4,000 fine.

Russelleville , Kentucky's News Deomocrat Leader
Attorney General Greg Stumbo announced the indictment and arrest of Dr. Hamid Hussain Sheikh, a Lexington abortionist. According to the indictment, Sheikh, age 62, committed fraud by performing abortions and disguising patient visits as fetal ultrasounds for normal pregnancies, which he billed to Medicaid.The Franklin County Grand Jury returned a sealed four count indictment on November 14, 2007. In addition to false Medicaid billings, the indictment alleges that Sheikh was paid twice for the procedures, accepting payment from Medicaid and from his patients. According to the indictment, Sheikh has engaged in the scheme continuously since 2004.Stumbo credited his new program called the Fraud Investigation Support Team (FIST) with discovering the illegal abortion activities. FIST is composed of a Medicaid fraud work group trained in data claims and computer forensics to efficiently and effectively review allegations of fraud."Without the combined talents of the Attorney General's staff detailed to FIST, identifying this criminal activity likely would have never occurred," Stumbo said. "This is a new way of using technology to safeguard the public."The investigation began with FIST reviewing Medicaid claims data to identify Medicaid patients seen by Dr. Sheikh. FIST personnel recognized prescriptions that made up a "three drug cocktail" that would typically be prescribed after an abortion. As a result, this led the team to uncover the potential fraudulent claims."The investigation continues," Stumbo said. "Additional charges are possible in view of the deplorable sanitary conditions found in Sheikh's office."If convicted, Dr. Sheikh faces up to 20 years in prison under the four count felony indictment. Dr. Sheikh will be arraigned on these charges on November 30, 2007, in Franklin Circuit Court.The indictment was sought by Attorney General Stumbo's Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Control Division after a lengthy investigation. The case is being prosecuted by Assistant Attorneys General Jennifer Wintergerst and Jesse Robbins, and Kentucky Bureau of Investigation Agent Keith Howard.

Dr. Hamid Hussain Sheikh, 62

(Click here for a copy of the indictment:
In a Press release issued by the Attorney General's Office, the Franklin County Grand Jury returned a sealed four-count indictment on November 14, 2007. In addition to false Medicaid billings, the indictment alleges that Sheikh was paid twice for the procedures, accepting payment from Medicaid and from his patients. According to the indictment, Sheikh has engaged in the scheme continuously since 2004.
Stumbo credited his new program called the Fraud Investigation Support Team (FIST) with discovering the illegal abortion activities. FIST is composed of a Medicaid fraud work group trained in data claims and computer forensics to efficiently and effectively review allegations of fraud.
"Without the combined talents of the Attorney General's staff detailed to FIST, identifying this criminal activity likely would have never occurred," Stumbo said. "This is a new way of using technology to safeguard the public."
The investigation began with FIST reviewing Medicaid claims data to identify Medicaid patients seen by Dr. Sheikh. FIST personnel recognized prescriptions that made up a "three drug cocktail" that would typically be prescribed after an abortion. As a result, this led the team to uncover the potential fraudulent claims.
"The investigation continues," Stumbo said. "Additional charges are possible in view of the deplorable sanitary conditions found in Sheikh's office."
If convicted, Dr. Sheikh faces up to 20 years in prison under the four count felony indictment. Dr. Sheikh will be arraigned on these charges on November 30, 2007, in Franklin Circuit Court.
The indictment was sought by Attorney General Stumbo's Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Control Division after a lengthy investigation. The case is being prosecuted by Assistant Attorneys General Jennifer Wintergerst and Jesse Robbins, and Kentucky Bureau of Investigation Agent Keith Howard.
According to the Associate Press,
Whites said investigators will forward their findings to the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure for possible action.
Investigators described "deplorable sanitary conditions" in the office where Sheikh performed the abortions.
That finding also will be forwarded to the Board of Medical Licensure, Whites said.
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