Friday, December 21, 2007

Greg Syzmanski on Alex Jones and Paul Watson



Here's Wishing Alex Jones, Ron Paul, and Their Happy Band of Propaganda Broadcasters on GCN and RBN A Merry Deceptive Jesuit Christmas

What makes this such a travesty is American people suffer most from
"information deprivation" as a result of buffoons like Tim Russert and
Alex Jones, who make a mockery of First Amendment Rights.

By Greg Szymanski
Dec. 21, 2007

The amount of deception, lying, covering-up and outright treason in the
mainstream and alternative media is staggering.

In fact, it's as if both organizations, using internet and other means
of broadcasting and news gathering, are nothing more than propaganda
peddlers for their corrupt colleagues in Vatican-led New World Order.

What makes this such a travesty is the American people suffer from
"information deprivation" as a result of buffoons like Tim Russert and
Alex Jones, who make a mockery of First Amendment Rights.

Example: Bigshot reporter Russert is Jesuit trained, prescribes to the
Muslim terrorist theory and gives Baby Bush a free ride whenever the
Skull and Bones Issue arises.

Example: Jones calls researchers who pin the Vatican and Jesuits to
genocide and government infiltration as mentally ill. And in light of
mounting criticism that he is covering-up for the Vatican and, in fact,
aiding and abetting the crimes of Jesuit-led Illuminati, he recently
used his propaganda colleague in England of "The Watson Report" to try and dispel critics.

Instead of dealing with present court documents and historical factual
accounts indicting the Vatican and their henchmen in the Jesuit Order,
he in fact uses Jesuit propaganda tactics to respond to critics. Here
is an example of Watson protecting Jones and in turn both Jesuit
sell-outs protecting their masters in Rome:

"The vast majority of 9/11 truthers and Ron Paul supporters in general
realize this but for those who also like to claim that Alex Jones is a
"Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor," a Zionist or even a shape-shifting reptoid,
their bizarre self-destructive cynicism prevents them from ever
contributing towards positive activism and change because of their
ninnying egotistic obsession with claiming that everyone but them is in
on the conspiracy."

Notice how facts and historical record are conveniently overlooked and
how Jesuit criticism is mixed in with reptilian nonsense to make all
critics appear like fools to uninformed readers drifting to the internet
for supposed "truth."

Furthermore, notice how Ron Paul surfaces in the Jones protection scheme without even mentioning NWO agent Paul is beholden to Papal Rome, not U.S. interests, as evidence by his letters in support of the Pope and his speeches in Congress praising "the all-loving humanitarian Vatican leaders.

Also has Jones, Watson and Paul ever addressed the "all-loving
humanitarian Vatican leaders" as being involved with the horrendous
genocide of more than 800,000 Croatians as evidenced in the on-going
federal court case of Alperin v. Vatican Bank filed in San Francisco in

This, however, is just blatant example how the above-mentioned
propagandists and NWO minions protect their Papal superiors in Rome and are deceptively ushering in a One World Religion and Government by simply giving the their real Vatican Illuminati Masters in the Jesuit
Order and Vatican enough time to get the dirty job done.

"My hope and prayer is that the "alternative media" police itself
concerning the massive cover-up of Papal Rome's crimes, as well as
blaming the Jews and Zionists for allegedly fomenting two World Wars --
and running the world -- that is almost daily being propagated by most
of the alternative media -- when tons of evidence points to the
Vatican-Papacy-Jesuits-Knights of Malta cabal as clearly being the No. 1 top player in the New World Order," said Darryl Eberhart, former member of military intelligence and author of

If you don't believe Jones is on "the blame the Jews bandwagon" using
Jesuit tactics employed for centuries to attack Jews, listen at to Alex Jones and Mike Rivero falsely expose Israeli Smear of none other
then one of their fellow agents Ron Paul.

"If people were smart enough," said editor of the Arctic Beacon, Greg
Szymanski, "they'd realize high-level Jews in Israel and America have
sold out their people just like Bush and the only Jews that should be
exposed are those who are actually working hand in glove with the Vatican and are referred to as Pope's Court Jews."

And if you don't believe Ron Paul is also on the Vatican payroll, read
his speech in Congress praising the Pope:

Honoring Pope John Paul II
A Consistent Pro-Life Figure

by Rep. Ron Paul, MD

Before the US House of Representatives, April 6, 2005.

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to join my colleagues in paying tribute to the life and legacy of Pope John Paul II. Pope John Paul II was one of the great religious leaders of modern times, and an eloquent champion of human freedom and dignity. Unlike all-too-many misguided religious leaders, the Pope understood that liberty, both personal and economic, is a necessary condition for the flourishing of human virtue.

The Pope’s commitment to human dignity, grounded in the teachings of
Christ, led him to become one of the most eloquent spokesmen for the
consistent ethic of life, exemplified by his struggles against abortion,
war, euthanasia, and the death penalty.

Unfortunately, few in American politics today adhere to the consistent
ethic of life, thus we see some who cheered the Pope’s stand against the
war and the death penalty while downplaying or even openly defying his
teachings against abortion and euthanasia.

Others who cheered the Pope’s opposition to abortion and euthanasia were
puzzled or hostile to his opposition to war. Many of these “pro-life
supporters of war” tried to avoid facing the inherent contradictions in
their position by distorting the Just War doctrine, which the Pope
properly interpreted as denying sanction to the Iraq war. One prominent
conservative commentator even suggested that the pope was the “enemy” of
the United States.

In conclusion, I am pleased to pay tribute to Pope John Paul II. I would
encourage those who wish to honor his memory to reflect on his teachings
regarding war and the sanctity of life, and consider the inconsistencies
in claiming to be pro-life but supporting the senseless killing of
innocent people that inevitably accompanies militarism, or in claiming
to be pro-peace and pro-compassion but supporting the legal killing of
the unborn.

Further, read more Rona Paul deception at

"This is not Catholic bashing, as I grew up Catholic. And this is not a
way to derail a good candidate because their are none. The best vote
this election is a "No vote" because every Congressman and Senator are traitors and the election is a theatrical joke where the candidates
place their loyalty first in Rome and just for good measure used rigged
electronic voting machines to get their way," added Szymanski.

"This really is outing the Vatican and Jesuits for meddling in
governmental affairs here in America and worldwide. They have been kicked out more than 81 times out of countries for ushering in fascism, their government of choice and we should utilize the Logan act to oust Jesuits from American soil before it is too late. Who do you think Kennedy was referring to when he gave his famous secret society and monolithic beast speech just before he was killed.

"He was referring to the late NY Cardinal Spellman, the Vatican hierarchy and Jesuit henchmen as a members of a terrorist geopolitical
organization headquartered in the smallest country in the world. I
detest the Pope's temporal power and Rome's gluttony for money and world conquest as evidenced by the the 1980's Vatican Bank scandal,
conveniently left out of the U.S. public debate."

And to add injury to insult watch how another story in the future will be covered-up and never mentioned by Jones and his Merry Band of propagandists on GCN and RBN. watch how they will fail to cover the candidacy for the New York statehouse (right near the Jesuit stronghold of Duchess County) of New York native Christopher Strunk, who openly criticizes the Vatican and Jesuit connection to fascism and the New World Order.

Watch how they will never cover his latest Freedom of Information
request about Jesuit corruption and how to use the Logan act to oust
them from American soil listed below for the "truth deprived" readers on
the internet:

593 Vanderbilt Avenue - #281
Brooklyn, New York 11238

December 17, 2007
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505

Reference: F-2008-00218 Freedom of Information Act Request related to
Fr. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J. (May 1, 1881 – April 10, 1955)
Subject: Appeal from Denial of Informaion by Mr.
Scott Koch - Information and Privacy Coordinator
The Members of the Agency Release Panel

Pursuant to the above Subject matter with file reference F-2008-00218, I
hereby appeal from the final decision alleged as if applicable under
Section 3.6(a) under Executive Order 12958, and demand for immediate
release of all information regarding its investigation of Fr. Pierre
Teilhard de Chardin, S.J. (May 1, 1881 – April 10, 1955). Fr. DeChardin
is the progenator and agent of the Vatican for implementation of
Liberation Theology and a single Gaia based religion worldwide to the
exclusion of all others, and that Fr. DeChardin promulgated the rise of
Mao Tse-tung in China from 1929 in coordination with Fr. Pedro de Arrupe
de Gondra then of Nagasaki Japan, who both after the War were deployed
by the Vatican, Fr. Arrupe to Rome and Fr. DeChardin to the New York
Province of the Society of Jesus under Cardinal Spellman and Fr. Vincent
O’Keefe S.J. of Fordham University. That there is sufficient historical
background for this matter documented by the late Fr. Malachi Martin
S.J. stated in The Jesuits published by The Linden Press of Simon and
Schuster New York 1987.
That the U.S. Government under the authority of 18 USC § 953
(the Logan Act) [1] is required to record all of Fr. De Chardin’s
involvement with American Citizens then and now actively recruited as
agents to Liberation Theology / one world religious government that Fr.
De Chardin had actively promoted. That any U.S. Citizen and or agent of
any U.S. Government agency recruited to the doctrines of Fr. DeChardin’s
Liberation Theology / one world religious government must be
scrutinized and registered as an agent of a foreign power and or removed
from office. There is ongoing treachery by those involved in the
so-called global warming hoax and that the U.N. Law of the Seas
Conference fraud controlled by Vatican agent’s at the United Nations New
York should not be funded by tax dollars; compells action, especially
since then unrecognized global Vatican state existence promotes one
world government as a irrefutable doctrine expressed by the Metz Pact
That Fr. De Chardin’s Liberation Theology mission was and is continued
to transform USA sovereignty under Vatican domination over U.S.
Government Policy, against citizen protections of the First Amendment,
intended to replace all religious practice with one world Gaia worship.
That Fr. De Chardin and the Vatican’s enterprise acts in conjunction
with agents of the New York Chatauqua Assemblies, corporate members of
the Kellogg Foundation and related entities complicit with elements of
the Central Intelligence Agency in the Hemisphere wrongly protected by
segmented methods of secrecy.
That the cosmology of Fr. DeChardin under Vatican II is used to
implement one world Gaia religious government having been devised by the
Vatican’s then Counter Intelligence Director James Jesus Angelton of the
Vatican Desk using agents of the New York Province of the Society of
Jesus with a formula devised to modify the Monroe Doctrine. That after
the 1980 U.S. Presidential election, a concordant state to state
recognition of the Vatican was entered under CIA Agent George H.W Bush’s
control of the Reagan Administration who now as a biological extension
of Stony Hurst Jesuit trained George Herbert Walker is a continuing
family matter that has expanded Vatican control over USA domestic and
hemispheric operations policy with impunity. That under the Reagan
Concordant the Vatican falls under the Vienna Convention for Consular
Affairs of 1963 and the Law of Treaties of 1969 following the Jesuit’s
creation of Vatican II, absolutely requires strict scrutiny by this
Agency Release Panel for release of records showing Fr. DeChardin’s
involvement with the agency, and immediate listing of every Jesuit as an
agent of a foreign power by the US Government.
For this Panel not to release all documents related to Fr. De Chardin
now fifty-two years after his death would now ring clear on treachery
and treason ongoing among its ranks. Hopefully the members of the Panel
will act expeditiously eliminate need for judicial intervention great
expense and lost time.

Sincerely yours,



[1] § 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments. Any citizen
of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the
United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any
correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer
or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of
any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation
to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat
the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself,
or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for
redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government
or any of its agents or subjects. 1 Stat. 613, January 30, 1799,
codified at 18 U.S.C. § 953 (2004

Editor's Note: The Arctic Beacon wishes Alex Jones, Ron Paul, and Their Happy Band of Propaganda Broadcasters on GCN and RBN A Very Merry Deceptive Jesuit Christmas. And here's hoping for a New Year of open debate, which we know will never happen but still a New Year's Resolution worthy of mentioning.






North Carolina Bible Ministry Claims Vatican and Jesuits Moving to Create 'One World Bible' and 'One World Church'

The Pastor of Paw Creek Ministries warns Christians that the Jesuits twisted 'NIV Bible is clearly possessed by a Catholic spirit and is leading a multitude of churches back to the Mother Harlot...'

By Greg Szymanski
Dec. 17, 2007

Pastor Joseph Chambers of Paw Creek Ministries in Charlotte, NC, says the Vatican and Jesuit Order "will infiltrate every possible ministry and undermine the truth wherever they find an open door."

Chambers added that those in other religions and true Bible believers who fail to compromise with Rome will be declared heretics and face "death at the stake" like William Tyndale and other Protestant reformation heroes.

"The NIV Bible is clearly possessed by a Catholic spirit and is leading a multitude of churches back to the Mother Harlot," said Chambers, the head of a congregation of Bible Believers committed to the Holy Scripture as the infallible Word of God.

"I awoke at approximately 4:00 AM a few days ago and was gripped to document this fact. The thought startled me, but I have found the facts to back it up."

Chambers said Bible believers should beware since the use of the NIV Bible and other Catholic versions are pushing everyone toward a "One world Bible" and One World Church.

He went on to say Catholic writers and especially Jesuit Carlo M Martini are pushing for unity with Protestants in order to bring all churches deceptively under what Rome calls "the one Mother Church", using New Age principles.

"Jesuit Priest, Carlo M. Martini is a noted New Ager teaching the Cosmic Christ and his universal presence in all religions," added Chambers. "The born again experience has always been anathema to the Catholic Church. Knowing Jesus Christ to them is a process, a journey that has now evolved to include all religions though they are considered inferior and subject to the Roman Harlot.

"Listen to this statement by Martini. 'The risen Jesus is present to each one, as though the individual loved person were the only object of his love. The risen Christ is the love of God revealed in our hearts by the Spirit, in the heart of each and of all and in each of all. Jesus does not individualize this "each'; he gives himself to the church, the world, the angels, and the universe. Jesus exists for all. But he is for all in such a way that he is for each one, thus making each one become a part of the whole. Such is the power of the resurrection of the "abbreviated" Word, which has made itself small. Whoever accepts the scandal of the Word-become-small will share in the glory of the universality of the cosmic Word which embraces and synthesizes everything, in which all things find their order and fullness, in which everything is resumed and established. (Through Moses To Jesus, Carlo M. Martini, SJ, page 121.)

"What a revelation of heresy. Note such statements as "the cosmic Word," the "Word-become-small," and the "abbreviated Word." No wonder the NIV has eliminated the word "Lord" 76 times, "God" 45 times, "blood" 23 times, "miracles" 21 times. The title "Master" was changed to "teacher" 43 times. The "Word-become-small" fits his theology perfectly.

"He speaks of the "scandal of Jesus" when speaking of His earthly sojourn. Here are his words describing Jesus as possessing the universe and all human will, "Along the way of the scandal of Jesus' particularization until the funereal opacity of the cross, the glory of God totally fills every being. The more I think about it, the more truly grandiose and almost incredible this truth seems to me - that God fills every being with himself. He gives himself, not merely a little but in full. This divine fullness transforms into a divinized totality the entire universe of the human will, which the Son has won for the Father. Though it is true that here we do not yet have the 'all in all' that is the final perfection which we are to attain, nevertheless by lovingly contemplating God in all of us, we already obtain a glimpse of how the fullness of God is gradually actuating the 'all in all,' according to the measure in which each one is able to accept such a vision." (Ibid., p. 122.)

"This is the exact message of the New Agers and is slowly becoming the message of the evangelical world. Ask any minister that has had a few years in the NIV and you will usually find an accommodating attitude toward other religions. The theology they would probably deny, but the acceptance of a broader way to salvation has become almost universal in the church world.

"The Catholic writers are extolling the fact that Evangelical leaders are willing to work together in the translation of Scripture," added Chambers. "One writer said: 'Catholics should work together with Protestants in the fundamental task of biblical translation...[They can] work very well together and have the same approach and interpretation...[This] signals a new age in the church..' (Patrick Henry, New Directions in New Testament Study (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1979), pp. 232-234.)

"The Papel evangelical "Divine afflante Spiritu" in 1943 called for an ecumenical Bible. "[T]hese translations [should] be produced in cooperation with separated brothers." (New American Bible [New York: The World Publishing Co., 1970], p. vii.)"

Warning all true Bible believers to expose Vatican deception, Chambers went in depth about why the NIV Bible should be rejected:

"The NIV Bible is clearly possessed by a Catholic spirit and is leading a multitude of churches back to the Mother Harlot. I awoke at approximately 4:00 AM a few days ago and was gripped to document this fact. The thought startled me, but I have found the facts to back it up. This paraphrased version (NIV) of the Holy Scripture is designed to deceive and apostacize the unsuspecting. The translators admit that it is not a word translation but a thought translation. They call it "dynamic equivalence" but God calls it "adding" and "taking away" from what the Holy Ghost has delivered to men guided by His Spirit. Somebody will pay dearly at judgment.

"My former denomination of 41 years has only recently moved from complete devotion to the Authorized Version (KJV) to a partial acceptance of the NIV. Their transition to the NIV is only at the early stage, but already they are beginning to play the game of the Roman Church. Here are a few quotes with a picture from the January 2001 edition of their official publication. "Just recently Bishop John H. Mambo, regional superintendent for the Church of God in Central Africa, was invited to attend the 22nd anniversary of Pope John Paul's election as the head of the Catholic Church. 'I count the invitation an honor not only for me but also for the Church of God,' Bishop Mambo says." How can a previously staunch Bible believing denomination find honor in the Roman Harlot? To seek her favor is to forsake the God of Holy Scripture.

"I'm convinced that there is a spirit of deception that underpins this particular bible. If you follow the sign's evidence, it leads back to the influence of the people involved and forward to the conduct being manifested in the evangelical world. Something is wrong. No, everyone involved is not bad and deceiving. They are just as sincere as those of us who disagree with them, but that does not eliminate the problem.

The Background of the NIV

No translation of the Bible can be better than the manuscript from which it is translated. Ninety-nine (99) percent of all the known manuscripts and other documenting materials support and agree with the Textus Receptus stream. This stream of manuscript is sometimes called "The Received Text" or the "Byzantine Text." These text types have been preserved through the centuries and accepted by the true believers all the way back as far as can be documented until the last 100 plus years. Dean Burgeon, an English scholar, documented thousands of quotes, statements, and sermons from the early church fathers that proves beyond question that the Textus Receptus is the pure stream of "Truth."

A modern scholar, Randall Price, has reviewed the Dead Sea Scrolls and written an excellent book on the text and facts of this marvelous discovery. While Randall is not a KJV enthusiast, he personally stated to me that these scrolls support the Old Testament Masoretic text as translated in the King James Version 80% of the time. When you study the nature of these Jewish descendants and their lifestyle, an 80% agreement with the Masoretic text cannot be less than a miracle. No wonder there has been loud voices claiming that the Catholic church sit on this discovery for over forty (40) years.

What most students of Scripture do not know is that the Old Testament Masoretic Text in the new Bibles is not the Masoretic of the King James Version. Here is a clear quotation from an excellent book by Dr. D.A. Waite, graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary. "Here's some background on it. The Daniel Bomberg edition, 1516- 1517, was called the First Rabbinic Bible. Then in 1524-25, Bomberg published a second edition edited by Abraham Ben Chayyim (or Ben Hayyim) iben Adonijah. This is called the Ben Chayyim edition of the Hebrew text. Daniel Bomberg's edition, on which the KING JAMES BIBLE is based was the Ben Chayyim Masoretic Text. This was called the Second Great Rabbinic Bible. This became the standard Masoretic text for the next 400 years. This is the text that underlies the KING JAMES BIBLE. For four hundred years, that was the Old Testament Hebrew text. Nobody translated the Old Testament except by using this text. [This is from Biblical Criticism Historical, Literal, Textual by Harrison, Walkie and Guthrie, 1978, pages 47-82.] (Defending The King James Bible, Rev. D.A. Waite, p. 27.)

The new Masoretic is then described according to Dr. Waite as the following, "The edition we used when I was a student of Dr. Merrill F. Unger at Dallas Theological Seminary (1948-53), was the 1937 edition of the Biblia Hebraica by Kittel. All of a sudden in 1937, Kittel changed his Hebrew edition and followed what they called the Ben Asher Masoretic Text instead of the Ben Chayyim. They followed in that text, the Leningrad Manuscript, (B19a, or "L.") The date on it was A.D. 1008. This was not the traditional Masoretic Text that was used for 400 years and was the basis of the KING JAMES BIBLE. They changed it and used this Leningrad Manuscript. So even the main text used by the NKJV, NASV, and NIV in the Hebrew is different from that used for the King James Bible. In addition to the various changes in the Hebrew text at the top of the page, the footnotes in Kittel's BIBLIA HEBRAIC suggest from 20,000 to 30,000 changes throughout the whole Old Testament." (Ibid., p. 27.)

Must I say more to show you what is happening behind the scenes that most good and studious people have very little opportunity to learn? That is, unless they study beyond the average book available on the bookstore shelves.

No one has hated and opposed the King James Bible and other similar versions of the Bible, as has the Roman Catholic Church. When you read Foxe's Book of Martyrs, research the many thousands of men and women burned at stakes or savagely tormented and murdered by Catholic priests just because they were devoted to translating, printing, or reading the Holy Bible in the common language, you cannot just walk away. Now couple what is happening today with the history (beyond argument) of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Greek Text Behind the NIV Bible

Here is a plain statement from the NIV translators themselves. They said, "What Greek text was used by the translators of the NIV New Testament. It was basically that found in the United Bible Society's and Nestle's printed Greek New Testaments, which contain the latest and best Greek text available.

"In many passages there is no way of being absolutely certain as to what was the original reading because the best Greek manuscripts, both earlier and later ones, have variant readings. In such cases the translators were asked to weigh the evidence carefully and make their own decision. Of course such decisions were subject to reexamination by the Committee on Bible Translation." (The NIV: The Making of a Contemporary Translation, Kenneth L. Barker, p. 53.) Please note that they stated that the "United Bible Society" and "Nestle's" Greek New Testaments were their primary sources.

Before we look at these two "Greek New Testaments" and their modern translators, let's look back to the source for these Greek translations. The same book above also documents the manuscripts these translators used for their modern Greek translation. Let's let them speak for themselves. "Soon after the middle of the nineteenth century (1859), N. Tischendorf discovered in the monastery of Saint Catherine on Mount Sinai a fourth-century uncial manuscript of the entire New Testament, together with much of the Old Testament in Greek translation. From its place of discovery, it is called Codex Sinaiticus. ("Codex" means a bound book, in distinction from a scroll.) Soon after that he pressured authorities into making another fourth-century manuscript available to scholars. It is called Codex Vaticanus, because it is held in the Vatican Library at Rome. Codex Sinaiticus is now in the British Museum. (Ibid., p. 55.)

It is absolutely clear that two main manuscripts, both from Roman Catholic sources, are the heart and soul of these translations of the Greek New Testament. They stated, "we should be grateful to God for making these early manuscripts available to us." I say, why not "thank the Roman Catholic Jesuit Priest" for making them available. God knew where they were all of the hundreds of years that this Harlot church was using them for their false doctrines. Everyone should read the story of two men, Westcott and Hort, that are credited with bringing these false manuscripts into the stream of the modern Bible text. These men were lovers of Rome and Mary and were notedly involved in occultic activities.

Now, let's look at the modern translators, both for the United Bible Society and Nestle's New Testament Greek. There were five men named as the committee for the editing of the second and third editions of the United Bible Society text. Here are the names, as listed in the front of The Greek New Testament, Third Edition, "Kurt Aland, Matthew Black, Carlo M. Martini, Bruce M. Metzger, and Allen Wikgren." Listen as they describe the activity of these five men in the preface. "The Third Edition, however, contains a more thorough revision of the Greek text. In a series of meetings the Committee, including Carlo M. Martini, who has been a member of the Committee for both the Second and Third Editions undertook a thorough review of the text of the First Edition by carefully considering not only a number of suggestions made by specialists in the hold of New Testament studies, but also numerous recommendations resulting from the experience of the members of the Committee as they worked with the text of the First Edition. The greater part of these suggestions for further modification came from Kurt Aland, who had been making a detailed analysis of changes proposed for the 26th edition of the Nestle Aland text. A number of these were textual alterations that had not been previously discussed by the Committee in their work on the First Edition. As a result of the Committee's discussions, more than five hundred changes have been introduced into this Third Edition.

The Committee, sponsored by the United Bible Societies, has thus been able to establish a single text for the Third Edition Greek New Testament and for the 26th edition of the Nestle Aland Text. (Notes on The Greek New Testament, viii.)

Please note the way Carlo M. Martini is emphasized in the preface quote above. He continued on to the last and fourth edition and is apparently still one of the five persons responsible for the on-going changes in both the United Bible Society and Nestle Greek New Testament. This is incredible information explaining why the NIV is such a strong change-agent toward Catholicism. This man is not just a Catholic, he is a Jesuit Priest and a leading teacher of New Age ideas. Let's investigate some of his ideas of Biblical truth.

In another book by Martini, he speaks of "deification" (all becoming divine) as embracing the pagans of the world. Here are his exact words, "The deification which is the aim of all religious life takes place. During a recent trip to India I was struck by the yearning for the divine that pervades the whole of Hindu culture. It gives rise to extraordinary religious forms and extremely meaningful prayers. I wondered: What is authentic in this longing to fuse with the divine dominating the spirituality of hundreds of millions of human beings, so that they bear hardship, privation, exhausting pilgrimages, in search of this ecstasy? (In The Thick Of His Ministry, Carlo M. Martini, p. 42.)

Such a statement coming from the man who is being projected as the next Pope of the Roman Catholic Church has far-reaching consequences. Are Hindus actually on a quest that will end ultimately in their becoming divine? They believe so and the new religious evolution is now accepting the same.

Mr. Martini continues to teach this deification but proceeds to show the "Diabolical Mass" as a process. He stated. "The ministry of reconciliation goes on throughout our lives, but especially at two moments.

The first in intercession, that is in the Eucharist. We take on this ministry when we offer Christ's body and blood and show it to the people. This is the chief moment in which we are ministers of reconciliation. 'This is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.' If only people could understand the extraordinariness of this action and these words! We often lament the sins of the world, the newspapers full of crimes, atrocities and vulgarity. But then we say: 'This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.' And we are certain that this world sunk in sin can be restored. When in the offering and intercession of the Eucharist we pray with the Church that the Lord remove from his holy people all evil, discord and hostility, we are ministers of reconciliation." (Ibid., p. 58.)

Does the presence of a Jesuit Priest, a New Age, and heretic on the translation and editing of your Bible make any difference? Do we believe that this man, possibly

in line to be the next "Pope and Vicar of Jesus Christ" for the world's largest cult, would waste his time on that committee unless he was making a difference? Now you are beginning to understand why the Evangelicals are talking of working together with the Catholic Church. It has been happening subtly for many years while the church world was spared the facts until the influence could be guaranteed.

What will be the attitude of these committee members for the Greek New Testament and the translators for the NIV, should their working friend Martini soon become the Pope? The present Pope said in his book, Sources of Renewal published by Harper and Row, "little by little...all will be gathered together into the unity of the one and only church." (Sources of Renewal, P. 328)

The NIV and Catholic Doctrines

There are very important changes in the NIV that clearly lean toward dogmas highly esteemed in Catholicism. These changes are very important and clearly help in either establishing or leaning toward the developing merger between Evangelicals and Catholics. Let's list just a few of these text changes. We will list scripture changes after naming the Catholic doctrine.

- Transubstantiation - The mass teaches that the communion bread and cup is actually transformed into the flesh and blood of the Son of God. Not the subtle change.

KJV: "For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed." (John 6:55).

NIV: "For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink." (John 6:55).

- Confessing Your Sins to a Priest - We believe we can confess our faults to one another and forgive each other but only God is to receive your confession of sin.

KJV: "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. (James 5:16).

NIV: "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed." (James 5:16).

- The Saying of "Hail Mary" - To use this vain repetition is rejected by Bible believers. The NIV changes the words "vain repetition" to babbling.

KJV: "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking." (Matthew 6:7).

NIV: "And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words." (Matthew 6:7).

- Mary was Immaculate and Childless Except the Virgin Birth of Jesus - We believe Jesus was the firstborn to Mary with brothers and sisters.

KJV: "And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS." (Matthew 1:25).

NIV: "But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus." (Matthew 1:25).

- Mary is the Co-Redemptress - The Bible clearly states there are only three that bear record in Heaven.

KJV: "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." (1 John 5:7).

NIV: Removed to make way for Mary.

- Mary was equal with Christ - We believe that only Mary needed purification.

KJV: "And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord;" (Luke 2:22).

NIV: "When the time of their purification according to the Law of Moses had been completed, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord." (Luke 2:22).

The NIV Bible is clearly a Catholic version designed to harmonize the doctrines of Scripture with heretical doctrines of the Roman Harlot. Unless we quit trying to be so civil with the enemies of the gospel, the gospel itself is going to be lost to a multitude of sincere souls. Many additional changes can clearly show this bent toward the Catholic Church.

