Dear Friends and Brethren,
Unfortunately, by me simply telling my salvation testimony where I met the God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ when I was at my most desperate time in my life I have been persecuted by people in this earth who label themselves true Christians.
I feel the need to write this and am grieved in my spirit over it because it saddens me that I am at odds with others over the truth. Even though Scripture says that this will happen. But I am writing this for others to see that they are not alone in their persecutions they endure and I urge them not to compromise or waver in the sound doctrine that God has delivered to them through His Word, Christ Jesus.
I have done videos recently talking about how I was saved and what I experienced in so called churches in America. Since I have been saved I have been attacked for my beliefs that I know I received from God through revelation of His Word in the Bible. And since being saved I have followed no man but only looked to the pure word of God as the final authority in my life. This alone has separated me and put me at odds with many.
The many I will label specifically here right now. Calvinists, Seven Day Adventists, and many other types of Christians. I have seen that "Christianity" is the most divided of groups out of any upon the face of the earth. Catholics will try and use this against those who dissent against Catholicism but let me say that even in the Catholic realm there are these same kinds of disputes BUT I look at catholicism almost the same way i do, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism. I do not consider Catholicism to be true Christian doctrine that we receive from New Testament Scripture at all. But I will not continue to elaborate on the Catholic issue right now.
My conversion in late March of 1997 was very supernatural. I was instantly delivered from depression and anxiety, the need to smoke marijuana, cigarettes, drink alcohol. Instantly. Most of my friends are still struggling in these things. Some are in and out of prison. One has died from bad mixture of anti psychotic drugs. Before i was saved I was cursed. I couldnt sleep, eat and could no longer function, i.e. having normal conversations, work at a job, etc.
Yet I say all this and do the work I do and people who call themselves Christians, who have not had any experience with God or any such conversion attack me and say I follow the doctrines of Rome and other heretics and doctrines of men. All I can say is I sense the anger of the Lord in this thing they do. And I am sorrowing because of the retribution that God will perform upon their heads for attacking one of His meek servants who truly understands the true meaning of salvation, having truly been saved and understanding what I was saved from.
I was saved out of no where and it obviously was nothing I did to be saved. Yet this does not mean I endorse or am a follower of Calvin, Luther, Wesley, Edwards, Hermes, Augustine, Ellen G White, Charles Russel Taze, Joseph Smith or the Pope. I follow the Lord Jesus Christ and HIM ONLY. I don't study systematic theology. Did any of this save my soul? Or was it the Blood of Jesus and His power He put in me after that this vessel was cleansed?
Anyone who comes to me defending anyone other than Jesus Christ, the Word of God allows me to have ZERO respect for you. If you need to look through Calvin as a sight glass to understand the Word of God then I don't think you were ever saved. What you did was was get into a religion the same way someone might take up chess.
I am not interested in your theologies or teachings of your false prophets and teachers. I don't care if they are correct in 99% of what they say. And I didn't start my work to gain favor from any man or especially compromise in the strict doctrine that the Lord teaches and yet also calls an "easy yoke" and "light burden".
Your doctrine of "Predestination" is twisted and causes people to not care or do anything adding to the lethargic, secularism taking over this world and especially this country. Your doctrine of "Once Saved Always saved" is a fraud and causes people to be lukewarm towards sin and the Lord promises to "Spew YOU out of His Mouth (body, if you were ever truly in His body in the first place which I highly doubt)." Your doctrine of no "free will" is totally unscriptural and 100% heresy.
You have to reject most of the Bible to believe these doctrines which places you on the side of the Antichrist. Which is why I am being attacked by them. The most important goal for Satan is to have you walk in spiritual darkness and never come to the true light of the Lord Jesus Christ. Exposing the Vatican is a small thing in comparison.
I will add to this page as time allows. I have done my videos for this purpose. They are linked to the left side of this web page.
Yours in Christ,
Thomas Richards
Other Links:
Michael Servetus Burned at the Stake for Heresy at the hand of John Calvin
His Ashes Cry Out Against John Calvin By Dan Corner
Here is Eric Phelps' reply to this above message:

----- Original Message -----Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2007 8:09 PMSubject: Spiritually Smart on Calvinists
Dear Douglas and Thomas,
Neither you nor Thomas were living in Geneva at the time. Geneva was a refuge for the escapees of Rome's Inquisiton raging all across Europe. Geneva had to be destroyed or that "abomination of Calvinism," which was the backbone of the Reformation, would continue to overthrow the pope's Holy Roman Empire and Vatican Empire.
Servetus was warned not to come to Geneva because the leaders of Geneva knew that he was sent to overthrow the republic via heresy. Again, that heresy was the basis for the overthrow of that free republic in Geneva. The Jesuits knew this as did the Calvinist Reformed leaders in the city.
Servetus arrived in Geneva despite the warnings and knowing full well he was sent to destroy the republic by the Jesuit-Armenian doctrines he preached as well as his trinity-denying, Unitarian heresies. Thus, he was executed for attempting to overthrow the government of Geneva via his Jesuit heresies calculated to do so by his masters in Spain.
Geneva was a sovereign free city at the time and it forbade the entrance of Servetus into their jurisdiction. This is called self government. When he entered the city he sealed his own fate. HIs blood was on his own head. He had been warned and Calvin had already personally refuted his claims with Scripture when in France.
Calvin himself had to flee France as he was a condemned heretic. He had finished his Institutes at 27 and dedicated the work to the King of France---his king. He was an exile in a foreign city that was targeted for annihilation by Rome. He knew Servetus was Rome's agent for this temporal annihilation of thousands of Protestants who had escaped the fire and sword of the Dominicans' Holy Office. All the children would have been deprived of their parents and possibly put to the sword as was done to the Calvinist children in Holland and France and later in Ireland.
Without the doctrines of grace as set forth in Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion, there is no Dutch Republic, no Covenanters of Scotland, no Commonwealth of England under Cromwell and no Federal Republic of these United States of America. There is no freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, or freedom of the press for either one of you.
The Bill of Rights was written by a Baptist Calvinist named James Madison. The treatise that was the foundation for the form of the United States Constitution was written by a Presbyterian Calvinist, Peletiah Webster, and the Declaration of Independence was copied in several places from the Mecklenburg Declaration written by Presbyterian Calvinists of Mechlenburg County of North Carolina.
Futher, it was French Calvinists who gave us the Greek New Testament that was the foundation for the AV1611, Robert Stephens (1550 text) and Theodore Beza (1598 text). It was Calvinists who gave us the Geneva Bible and the AV1611. It was Calvinists were were put to death by Rome more than any other Christian sect.
The lone Servetus was put to death for sedition as he sought to overthrow the city of Protestant Calvinist Geneva. There was no Protestant doctrine that demanded the death of any heretic in any confession of faith---ever. So why was Servetus put to death? He was rightly put to death for his sedition as he was a Jesuit seeking to fulfill the Order's quest of destroying the Reformation---Geneva at time being the heart of the Reformation.
Please reconsider your conclusion and read Calvin's Institutes before you call him an unbeliever and a murderer.
Sincerely in faith,
Brother Eric
----- Original Message -----
From: Douglas Willinger
To: ;
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 12:25 AM
Subject: Discussion over Force
Clearly, then, a false teacher should be "silenced," not by having him killed, as Calvinism's founder did, but by refuting him with Scripture. This is the true Christian method.
If Calvin's example is the standard, the next time the Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormon missionaries come to our door, we should physically overpower them, bind them to a stake, and make human candles out of them. Can you imagine a professing Christian doing this, much less a reputed theologian? If done, could you force yourself to believe such a person was truly saved and adhere to his unique, doctrinal distinctives?
I agree with this, as force is usually the method of those lacking in truth.
Douglas Willinger