Friday, December 21, 2007

Other Jesuit news, Etc.


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is the same symbol of the site of Italian Catholic integralist free lance journalist Maurizio Blondet, a supporter of the theory "9-11, it's all a Jew businness!":

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As you can see, the Italian journalist, Catholic fundamentalist, anti-Jewishs and anti-American Maurizio Blondet uses this symbol. Does he know from where it come? From the contents of the articles of his site, he surely knows how his Jesuit-Vatikan masters are manipulating the great part of the Protestant world:

He writes also for the 'autonomist' press of Italy, the press controlled by the fundamentalist Catholic party "The North League", which proposes the federlism or the secession of North Italy away from South Italy. I just talked about it in my thread about the occult Nazi-Islamic supporter party "North League" of italy, backed from Munchen by the same societies that backed the last crusades in the Balkans ('92-'99), meanwhile the bosses of the party were openly (and falsely!) taking the side of the Serbs!!!!!!

Maurizio Blondet is very important and often quoted as 'authority' in the Italian 'conspiracy' sites, as Luogo Comune (my first post on U.Mind was exposing it) who is ruled by Massimo Mazzucco, an author of storyboards for cinema:
(sorry, only in Italian)

Or the Italian web site of the Italian version of the magazine Nexus, director Tom Bosco:

Or the 'alternative', 'counter(the intelligence)information' site COmedonchisciotte:

Luogo Comune, Nexus Italia and Maurizio Blondet are linked in the s.c. 'exposition of the real (=read Protestants and Jews) responsibles of 9-11'.
But there are many other sites and sources, press, books etc. that are quoting Maurizio Blondet as an 'expert' about CIA, Mossad, Jews, Zionist conspiracy, Neocons, 9-11, the 'hero'-Putin-that-saves-Russia-from-Jews, and the Bush 'who is a puppet of Neocons', etc.

If you need a proof, here's another one about the criminal order of the Templars and of their masters, the Jesuit and the Roman Apostolic Catholic church.

Best regards from a North Adriatic Anti-catholic isolationist

We don’t teach to honour and venerate the virgin Mary and the saints…Or to make out of them images of idols and gods, to pray them for clemency and mercy for the sins in every disgrace, to build them churches, donation offer, all that God, angels and saints severely forbid.
But demons, which assume the image of angels, goddess virgin Mary and saints and appear to ignorant popes, bishops, parishes and monks, to old witches and to the prostitute of the parishes and of the monks, impose them to be bigot, to torment themselves, to fall to the ground,… and to all these people the demons announce that now on this, now on a different mountain, on the field, or in the forest, churches have to be built, in order to bring there donations and to celebrate masses, in order to bring there wealth from everywhere, and every kind of cattle; and if they don’t do that, the goddess Mary and the saints will destroy with lightning all the corn-fields and the vineyards and will kill them with the plague.

Father Primoz Trubar (father of the modern Slovenia and founder of the Slovenian Protestant Church, 1508 - 1586).










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Author: Ryan Dawson
Dated: January 04, 2007

quick look at how the US kills for commercial interests and does not practice the free market principles it pretends to profess...

Is the US really free market or communist? Well it is not a clean cut answer but a mixture, when it comes to the top cream the US is actually very communist and not the dreamy kind with a benevolent state that works for the interests of the people but the actual kind which works for the interests of itself and is willing to kill to do so. When you say the word "State" don't stop at the lawmakers, extend it to those who pay for their campaigns and whose companies they can profit from. The State is a plutocratic ‘corporatocracy.'

The US government uses tax money, and worse yet, money borrowed from the Federal Reserve (which is paid off by printing money thus inflation), to support select industries in which government employees typically hold stock. Over-priced no bid contracts are awarded to corporations for what are often unnecessary jobs, such as paying construction/engineering companies to rebuild things they have already paid weapons companies to destroy. This is state control of industry, and it is communism by definition. Corporations that don't comply risk losing lucrative contracts to their competitors. The US government, in this way, creates state assisted monopolies.

The largest industry in Iraq has not been oil or construction it has been security. For every nasty contract given there is another contract spent on security, to protect it. These have reached billions of dollars.

If you take a loan from the bank for your business then you have to pay it back with interest. But when the government takes out the loan and grants to money to the business then the business just gets the money and it does not have to pay a thing and the government is stuck with the bill, meaning the people have to pay for it either by taxes or inflation. Government employees don't care because they don't lose a dime, they make money from this. The general public is who has to pay.

There are five primary methods of quasi-communism being used by the US, and the fifth is the dirtiest of all. In the name of stopping communism, (or now, “Spreading Democracy”) they have repackaged communist principles for unsuspecting consumers. We are told these business practices are “capitalist,” when in reality this is communism in a modern corporate cloak. Hiding behind the flag and the cross, the US ignores the founding principles of free market capitalism, and does the opposite:

1 No bid contracts
2 Direct subsidies
3 Indirect subsidies
4 Earmarked foreign aid
5 Ajaxing, which could also be called Roosevelting (since both Teddy and Kermit utilized it)

1) No bid contracts are easy enough to understand. The government simply awards corporations money for very expensive projects, ignoring a formal bidding process. This form of legal bribery naturally creates the situation where corporations will give support, through donations and mass media (which they own), to the candidates who will most return the favor. But it goes deeper than this. These same corporate fronts can and do act as money laundering agents; whereby they pay foreign politicians who are involved in organized crime, and who work for the CIA. The CIA cannot pay them directly, but companies like Lockheed can, for example, pay a Yakuza gangster like Yoshio Kodama (a CIA asset) to manipulate Japan into buying Lockheed planes. Lockheed benefits from the sales, they could care less what their kickback money is spent on or who they are enriching. As a result Kodama would become very wealthy and could then use the money to assist other pro-MIC (military industrial complex) politicians. This increases the power of the Mafia, who actively work as modern "privateers" for intelligence agencies. This example is not fictional; it is one of many such operations. Presently there are many being carried out as “business as usual” within the US government. The Mafias (Warlords) also act as the primary drug runners for the CIA, which finances the CIA's off the book black ops, bribing, blackmailing, prostitution, Jackaling etc. The CIA is the Mob above the Mob - and the things they have done in Cuba, South Korea, Israel and Saudi Arabia are sickening.

2) Direct subsidies are even easier to understand. The largest example would be agribusiness. Food does not need a temporary contract or project; there is always a demand for food. But factory farms and ranches buy from companies not related to selling food. By putting $36 billion a year (2003) into farm subsidies, the US is creating a monopoly on a business that every country must participate in. If a country like Mexico cannot pay its farmers (who must actually sell food to make money), then the subsidized US factory farms take over the market and put agribusiness workers in Mexico out of work. Mexico cannot protect itself with tariffs because of "free trade" agreements such as NAFTA. As a result Mexican cities are flooded with people looking for work and it completely undermines the labor force there making everyone replaceable and dropping wages. Direct subsidies create many long-term problems, such as mass migration to the cities and across the borders, an undermined labor pool, and drastically driven down wages. lower wages mean less spending and small businesses close down creating even fewer jobs and more workers. As a result giant corporations the (Starbucks, McDonalds, Walmarts) can monopolize an area, on top of that these food related corporations too benefit by purchasing cheap products from government subsidized farms, so of course they can beat their competition.

3) Indirect subsidies are a bit sneakier. Sticking with the factory farm example, giant agribusinesses make huge purchases for their farms from Big Pharma; steroids, pesticides, antibiotics, and so on. Since they get money from the government, in the form of subsidies, the government is indirectly subsidizing drug companies. The conditions necessary to receive higher subsidies encourage uncouth practices, such as overcrowding farm animals, which in turn creates the otherwise unnecessary demand for 70% of the antibiotics made in the US. This corrupt relationship between the government and agribusiness has resulted in the emergence of new, super-strain, hard to treat diseases. Not to mention that it is just straight up unethical to the animals themselves.

So let's not forget that many large businesses are roped into this as well. Look at fast food restaurants and soda manufacturers. Where do they buy their sugar? Where so they buy their corn syrup and other products? Also tied into this are all things related to lumber. In 1902 Teddy Roosevelt decided trees were a "crop,” thus making trees eligible for farm subsidies. Ditto for tobacco, which is totally unrelated to food. Tobacco farmers can get paid to produce and thus do not care as much about how much is actually sold, however the government can slap a tax on the tobacco products (which are addicting) and thus have a cash incentive to promote them especially on the state level. It doesn't matter to anyone but the consumer if prices rise on tobacco if the subsidies rise along with it. I don't advocate smoking, I am just explaining.

Lastly, certain foods (like corn) may get subsides because of their economic benefits to corporations, even when the health benefits to the paying consumer are lacking. As long as the corporations can get the subsidies and pump up their bottom line, it doesn't matter to them if their high yield crops are unhealthy. They could easily replace the unhealthy crop with a better crop that is even more effective and healthful. There are alternatives to corn syrup that taste just as good. There are definitely alternatives to corn (soy, hemp) that can produce ethanol for fuel. And there are better, more efficient ways to make paper from “crops” other than trees (hemp). But the government does not work on efficiency or what is most beneficial to consumers and the environment. It works on the methods which involve as many industries and pork as possible and passes around the most money.

You can see there are many who feed off of government intervention into business. I will come back to this; it gets much worse. The military is the much larger umbrella industry, but agribusiness would be a distant second, not only for the money it takes from the US government, but because of how it destroys labor and competition elsewhere. That then links to a need for "foreign aid/loans."

4) Earmarked foreign aid and unjustly earmarked government pork projects. Earmarked foreign aid is another communist practice used to divert huge funds back into government-subsidized industries. An actual example is that the US sends Israel 13 million dollars a day (conservatively) and earmarks 75% of it to be spent on certain US arms, from certain companies, which certain equity firms are invested in - with absolute prior knowledge from all involved. This is not a loan that will be repaid at some point; it is free aid given away to a foreign government. On top of this nasty mess, multibillion-dollar tax-free businesses, known as churches, invest billions of donated dollars a year into these same companies. Insider trading knowledge is given to the churches, in exchange for supporting the Zionist rhetoric that creates the conflicts that justifies the mass sale of armaments to begin with. This is a whole other can of worms, but note that any criticism is labeled “anti-Christian” or worse yet “anti-Semitic” (since Israel and the US are intrinsically connected via the war industry). The US will often be very deceiving in congress by giving pork projects very nice sounding names to mask what they really do.

Money does not have to go abroad to be earmarked for selective corporate interests. For example the US may pass money for ‘education' and schools with a fat sum of money allotted for it. That sounds nice right? But what if the universities are being used as businesses? What if a school is given money but with a closer look you see the money is earmarked to say build construction projects and landscaping on school grounds. That really has nothing to do with education and more to do with “beautification”. If they want to spice up a campus then just say so, don't pretend it is for education. Schools are pushed to give into this as campus beauty is now one of the measuring marks for a school in all the little highly bias school ranking magazines. Universities also invest their funds and much of it goes right back into defense companies. So a school is granted money so long as it is invested back in defense. The university is encouraged to war profiteer. That is why many student organization call for divestment campaigns. The government can dangle grant money for research in sciences for example just so long as enough scientist report back what they know they are wanted to say. Say the wrong thing and you might not only be removed from the school the school might lose its funding.

5) Ajaxing. I use this word for lack of a better term, based on Operation Ajax. This is when the US manipulates the resources and wealth of another country by bribing, threatening, and/or duping puppet leaders. Here's how it works: The US will help a particular leader to power, or will offer them great personal wealth (note that this is wealth for the leaders, not for their people), in exchange for huge contracts to US companies to build infrastructure. Let's use an electric plant as an example. The electric plants built, normally just creates a regional monopoly for a select few to make great sums. The debt generated to pay the loan from the World Bank or IMF is not the burden of the electric plant or the people making money from it selling the electric power. No, the loan was to the government of the country that it was built in. The loan was not to the (US company built) plant itself, it got its money through a contract. Thus the people and the government of the country have to pay for it, (and the debt) and they do so by selling their natural resources to the US and or by printing money which causes currency devaluation.

Corporations also use religious missionaries to swindle people out of land, and create bogus charities through the churches to help conceal pay offs. A church will funnel “donations” they receive right back into stocks from the companies they are unspoken partners with. Charities become politicians' private slush funds. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), or any global bank, will issue massive loans based on false projections from rigged economists (also known as economic hit men), to the developing countries. Mega companies like Halliburton and Bechtel (among others) receive massive amounts of over-priced projects to carry out in the "third world." The money never even has to leave America. This is like no bid contracts, only the US pays the corporations money and then the country getting Ajaxed pays the price back again to the bank with interest. The US is “loaning (by dubious coercion) money” to other countries to use them as mediums to issue more no-bid contracts and purposely price inflated contracts abroad.

For example, the government will hire a US company to build a water treatment facility in Iraq, after already having paid different companies in the military to blow up the original one. The contract is paid for via a loan to Iraq from an international bank. Iraq never even sees the money. The bank pays the US Company, and then gives the bill (plus interest) to Iraq, who cannot pay it but could not refuse it because they needed clean water. Once in debt the US ends up with more of Iraq's resources and assets. The US company getting the contract is heavily invested in by major Christian churches and protected by private security firms like Blackwater which is also run and financed by a Christian supremacist Eric Prince.

The country under economic attack accepts loans that they have no prayer of being able to pay. Often what happens is halfway through these bogus projects' companies run into “complications” and demand even more money to finish or to maintain the job, and so on. The leader takes the deal because they are personally rewarded - or because they think that they can modernize, while failing to see the larger economic picture. When the country cannot pay the loan with their money supply, which is also under control of central banks and can be easily manipulated (another can of worms), they end up under the perpetual debt system. They are then forced to sell off their natural resources, for far less than a fair price, to US companies. Thus making these companies even stronger and harder to compete with. With each contract in a hostile area (hostile partly because of false flag provocations and unchecked brutality and torture by the occupying army) there is a big fat security contract.

There are many methods used to either manipulate or, if necessary, suppress the leaders. One easy way is to kill the ones who oppose the US commercial interest - and this has been done many times. Such as Omar Torrijos of Panama or Jaime Roldós, president of Ecuador both killed by the CIA. Another method is with black mail, bribery, or a created conflict and invasion such as with Haiti and USAID not so long ago.

Yet another method of manipulation is the financing of paramilitary groups via the School of the Americas, which is now called the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), and is the Defense Department's principal Spanish-language training facility for Latin American military and law-enforcement personnel. For example we have the case of Guatemala toppled by an invasion from Honduras by the CIA and its school of the America lackies for the interests of the United Fruit Company. United Fruit by the way used the law firm of John Foster Dulles whose brother was Allen Dulles the Director of the CIA at the time. The democratically elected president Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán was replaced by a military junta. The CIA called its operation "Operation PB SUCCESS." Many people died for this fruit company. The pre-text of the invasion was of course the Red Scare and the boogie man of communism. How ironic that the US intelligence agencies went to war to protect its own anti-free market communist practices under the pretext of preventing communism!

When they can't finance paramilitary group in a country or neighboring country the US/UK can always turn to its privateers AKA state sponsored terrorists. Included here is the financing of mercenaries and private armies like Blackwater USA , DynCorp (who got caught with sex slaves!), Triple Canopy, Aegis Defense Services, ArmorGroup and so on.

Let's look at another example of how these anti-free market economic principles work:

Say a developing country's government agrees to hire a US/UK company to build a huge rubber-processing factory. The US/UK government promises, in exchange for the contract, to help them stay in office - and also to give them a piece of the pie. Of course the factory will be a monopoly and use sweatshop labor in order to optimize their “bottom line.” The rubber will be sent to the US/UK (or some developing country that is being Ajaxed by the West) to make finished products, which will then be sold back to the country that manufactured it. A small group of people will become super wealthy, however the exploited country will be making far less, since it has now lost its rubber resource. Instead of manufacturing it themselves and selling the finished goods, a private US owned and constructed plant (at the developing country's expense) will contain all the money. All hope of any competition in this country, which would be built to sell its own rubber, will be smashed. No start-up can realistically compete with a massive mega corporation that a local third world politician has been bribed, threatened or conned by the US to agree to build.

The US corporations get a monopoly, along with cheap production costs and resources. The banks get interest from the loans. And multiple people “in the know” profit from insider trading; including most notably the churches involved in the Ajaxing. When the country can't pay for it with resources they may lease land, land needed for food. Neocolonialism begins. Food on the leased land will be exported from the country that needs to consume it and then it is bought back using money generated by the sale of rubber. If they stop selling the rubber they can't buy their own food. This insures that the West will not lose its grip on the plants. They are in a position of work or starve. Many starving men join mercenary groups for the pay and food, thus filling the ranks of the private armies that the US can use in its coups, completing the cycle. And that is exactly what is going on in Sudan.

Now you know the five major ways the US engages in communism. These practices must be understood in order to fully understand why the US gives so much “aid” to Israel; and why the US invaded the Middle East as soon as the Neocons came into power (with the Soviet Union now conveniently out of the way). The “direct conflict” option, which is super expensive and thus creates even larger profiteering margins, was back on the table.

Some Middle Eastern Nations realized the US had been engaging in these underhanded schemes, so they found a way around all of it. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was formed to “coordinate and unify petroleum policies among Member Countries, in order to secure fair and stable prices for petroleum producers.” After Israel attacked its neighbors in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, and became the first country ever to use depleted uranium as a weapon, the OPEC nations raised the price of oil per barrel - and eventually created an all out embargo against the US (this was after Nixon gave Israel $2.2 Billion). The fact that Israel's multiple wars had been predated by busted false flag operations (with US complicity) is also interesting, but too large a tangent for now.

By 1974 the oil crisis had brought the US MIC (and related powers) to its knees. The principle country involved in this was Saudi Arabia. Things would soon change; the US knew it was absolutely imperative to remove the “oil weapon.” The key to this was to get politically and economically closer to Saudi Arabia, the country with the largest oil reserves in the world. The US planned to create an economic interdependency with Saudi Arabia, so that the "oil weapon" would lose its wind, being that the Saudis could float US oil needs for long periods in the case of another oil crisis.

Israel however was getting 90% of its oil from the Shah, who the US had put into power after a coup in Iran, and from the territory they had illegally taken from Egypt. This would change in 1979 when the Shah was ousted by the Iranian people and the oil to Israel was cut off completely. Saddam was put into power month later in Iraq the same year 1979, with the help of the CIA, who used the age-old excuse of “smelling red” to support the Baathist. Shortly after, Iraq was in a 9-year war with Iran. You guys know about the story from there. (Time line of the Middle East)

The US created the interlock with Saudi Arabia and the Bush and Bin Laden construction and oil companies benefited by using all five of the communist methods listed above, especially Ajaxing. The House of Saud sells the country's oil to pay the Bin Laden/Bush connected businesses to build overpriced infrastructure plus the interest on the loans. The British did the same with the royal families in the 20s. The World Wars just shuffled the deck and replaced the UK with the US - as the principle exploiter of the world.

