Friday, May 01, 2015

Attorney Marilyn Mosby and the road to Justice

Baltimore State Attorney Marilyn Mosby issued charges against the 6 officers who were involved in the incident of Freddie Gray. A lot of people were shocked. I was shocked too, because of the number of charges and the time in which they existed. Marilyn Mosby gave a powerful speech in outlining not only the specific charges that each officer received. She gave the reasons why each officer was charged and gave information about the ongoing investigation. She is very young being only 35 years old and she spoke as a member of the youth. She was involved in an investigation of the circumstances of Freddie Gray’s death. It is obvious that Mr. Gray was not given a seat belt while he was in the van, which is a violation of Baltimore police procedure. Mr. Gray required medical assistance and the officers refuse to give him medical assistance for over 30 minutes. Mr. Gray was said by Sister Mosby that he possessed a legal knife under Maryland law. Her speech carries great significance, because she has many relatives involved in law enforcement. State Attorney Marilyn Mosby said that Mr. Gray was illegally arrested. The good news is that the officers are charged. Bringing up charges is better than no charges. Yet, we are not out of the woods yet. There will be a trial and we have to still confront the structural problems of poverty, racism, and economic inequality found not only in Baltimore, but throughout America. Marilyn Mosby’s speech was strong, powerful, and thorough in describing the tragedy of the death of Freddie Gray. Her experience in the legal field is powerful and strong. So, this is good day and we still are fighting to win the war. We want justice. We want peace, but there can be no real peace without justice. Mosby gave an excellent, eloquent speech in seeking the truth and justice. We are all in solidarity with the family of Mr. Freddie Gray and the residents of Baltimore, Maryland.

The President has his second term. He has nothing to lose since his adversaries don't want to work with him politically anyway. People here want him to issue executive action, speak truthfully about the epidemic police brutality being endemic in the system, and to outline inspirational words on how things must change excluding centrist rhetoric. That is not difficult to ask. Also, he is a political figure and he has the right to say strong words on this issue. Sometimes, leaders speak truth irrespective of polls or political expediency. Some of the problems in the black community are not the fault of every black American. Sometimes, issues are complex and some people omit the complexities of subject matters. No one here omits the necessity of African Americans to do better, but apathy and pessimism aren't solutions. We have to improve our lives and fight against the structural problems found in the system, so we can achieve our highest potential as black human beings. We certainly need to grow our own in a higher level without question. After the 1960's, many of our communities became more divided. We should recognize our solidarity and promote the ideal of community more. We are inspired too. We want to mentally be free and economically develop our infrastructure. This process will not be easy, but we do these things not because they are easy. We want to grow our economy and the rest of our power, because it is right and it is just.

I understand her anger at the situation in Baltimore. Ms. Toya Graham is very honest. This situation is global not just found in America too. People know that I'm a progressive economically, so I do believe in infrastructure development (so, our rural and urban communities are rebuilt). We certainly need stronger families. Stronger families translate into stronger communities. That's common sense. Some of the ways to grow our communities is for the establishment of investments in after school programs, living wages being formed, job training to come about in a higher level, and true compassion sent to the poor. We must address income inequality. When you have communities in Baltimore (and in locations all across this country of America) suffering Great Depression-level unemployment rates, then we have a serious problem that we must confront as a people. I sympathize with her goal of trying to save her son's life (she obviously loves her son a great deal), but I disagree with her action of slapping a child like that. That's my view. Amanlda’s words refute the lying stereotype that the youth can’t display complex analysis about what is going on in Baltimore. Baltimore has experienced decades of neglect, exploitation, police tyranny, and poverty. We have to evaluate the complex factors of rebellions not just condemn innocent property being damaged (during the events of rebellions). Rebellions remind us of how far that we have to go and they are reminders that we have work to do. The Revolutionary War had more rebellions and insurrections than what occurred in Baltimore. People are hurting and they need compassion, love, and respect. People have the right to resist oppression via all legitimate means. The barbarous behavior of the crooked cops ought to be condemned. Amandla is certainly beyond her years in wisdom and her social commentaries are eloquent and accurate.

There must be cultural growth in our communities and a radical redistribution of political and economic power. Resistance against oppression is an inalienable human right and we have the right to exercise that resistance via constructive, progressive avenues. That resistance deals with not only standing up against criminals of any color, but against terrorist cops, against economic oppression, against racism, against discrimination, and against any injustice. Some black people have done nothing wrong and still are brutalized by the police. So, a comprehensive strategy is needed to cause us to be truly liberated as one black people. There must be structural change in society. I disagree with Stacey Dash on some issues. The super wealthy makes excuses for their record bailouts. The imperialists make phony “excuses” for their war crimes. Sexism, and gender inequality are obscenities in society. No one is an island. We need solidarity and community in our lives. The worship of the individual influenced the development of the Great Depression and the 2007 great recession. Demanding change is not about having a permanent pity party. It is about abhorring the status quo and wanting something done about it. People should work hard, but the poor work hard all of the time, but many of them receive starvation wages (and are forced to live in suffering communities). That situation should change and egalitarianism not plutocracy ought to be advanced. I do believe in both improving our morality and creating political changes in our communities. Talking about criminal cops has nothing to do with shielding bad behavior done by some. We can both advocate community development including an end to criminality along with political transformation of society.

It has been over 40 years since the fall of Saigon. The fall of Saigon marked the end of the Vietnam War. There is a lot of historical significance involving the Vietnam War. The fall was the most decisive defeat of the largest U.S. military intervention in American history. 2 years before, the last U.S. combat forces left Vietnam. Later, the puppet regime of General Nguyen van Thieu and its 700,000 strong U.S. trained and U.S. armed South Vietnamese army collapsed virtually without a fight. There are many images of the U.S. personnel fleeing the besieged city of Saigon. There were helicopters that left the embassy. Many Vietnamese escaped not just Americans. The Vietnam War represented a huge debacle of American foreign policy. The effects of the Vietnam War still exist today. U.S. intervention in Vietnam existed even before the days of Eisenhower (when he was President) and it continued until the time of Nixon. The Vietnam War was a genocidal expression of imperialism. The U.S. dropped more bombs in Vietnam than what the U.S. dropped in Europe during WWII. 536,000 American troops were in Vietnam during its peak. 15 million tons of munitions were dropped in its aerial campaign. Thousands of Americans died and over 3 million Vietnamese lost their lives as a product of the war. Vietnam experienced more than 20 million gallons of toxic chemicals. The environment of Vietnam was damaged and even babies being born now have been damaged by pollution from Western military actions. The leaders in planning and prosecuting the war have not been prosecuted for war crimes. Both Democrats and Republicans supported the evil war. The fall of Saigon allowed an oppressed people to be victorious against the most imperialist nation on Earth. The Vietnamese people defeated French colonialism and U.S. imperialism. Yet, today, the West became very slick and is an ally of Vietnam (via neoliberal policies, trade deals, and other policies). Transnational corporations have exploited the Vietnamese workers, so they can make huge profits in the 21st century. 40 years later, U.S. warships return to Vietnam, so the West can promote its “Pivot of Asia” agenda (which is about encircling China, so China’s hegemony won’t exceed U.S. hegemony). One of the real goals of the TPP is for the U.S. to check China’s rising economic power. The treaty could end some of Vietnam’s state run enterprises. While China is Vietnam’s largest trading partner, the US has become its largest export market. The Maoist regime in China invaded Vietnam in 1979 after Hanoi ousted the evil regime of Pol Pot of Cambodia. China’s invasion caused over 100,000 Vietnamese civilians to die and some 125,000 soldiers including militia members to die. The U.S. antiwar movement and Vietnamese workers contributed to the end of the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War existed in midst of urban rebellions, civil rights developments, and massive strikes in America and throughout the Earth. We face the threats of imperialism, austerity, the 2 business party business parties' agenda, and other attacks on the working class. The essence of the Vietnam War is that imperialism is not only wrong, but that the working class including the poor should unite to end the oppressive system (so a system of justice can exist).

By Timothy