Wednesday, December 05, 2007


The NIE report said that Iran stopped their nuclear activity in 2003. George W. Bush said that this isn't a time for relaxing, but continuing the policy. There is some controversy. Some believe that months ago, Bush or his allies knew of the report's result yet still ratched up the nuclear threat of Iran. The truth will come out on that issue one way or the other. CFR Joseph Biden wants to subpoena Condoleeza, Hadley, and others in figuring who knew about the NIE report at what time. It seems like it's cliche for the media and political elites to bash Bush constantly. In truth, Bush isn't the only ones to be blamed for problems in America. We have a responsibility to protect our freedoms and fight for the truth not just the White House. That's why I don't trust the Huffington Post or the Neo-Con Weekly Standard. Both believe in the myth of the war on terror and each accept Big Government (the difference is on whether how it should be use. One wants it domestically used and the other wants it to be utilized militarily). These 2 sides are further causing political agitation, so indepedent solutions won't happen or are controlled by them. In the process half truths are promoted and America is demonized confusing the population. It's similar to the Hegelian Dialectic. Now, the Vatican/Jesuit information has been prominently shown in the alternative media (like in how the Vatican was involved in the murder of thousands in the Bartholomew Massacre. Therefore the Vatican was wicked before Vatican II, so don't believe the disinformation lie that the Vatican became wicked during Vatican II in the 1960's. Many Jesuits and Masons organized Vatican II to further control the Vatican into the NWO mindset. The Rockefeller/CFR-financed World Council of Churches also promotes ecumencialism and compromise of moral values in many religions. This is further proven by Dr. Cathy Burns book entitled "Billy Graham and Friends." Pope Benedict XVI called for a new world order and the Knights of Malta have been discovered to own tons of corporations and other infrastructure worldwide like Geoffrey Boisi and Saxton). That's good since all evil ought to be shown. Lately, there has been resurgence of hatred of Jewish people and blaming Jewish people for everything under the sun (like Michael Collins Piper and Texe Marrs). That's the same as the Neo-Cons blaming Islam for all of the terrorism or extremism in the world. The reason is that both types of peope refuse to look at complexeties of issues and expose all evil groups from Labor Zionists (many of them are Masons like Wiezzman), the Jesuits, Order of the Garter, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, Bilderbergers, etc. I found another elite group called the Constantinian Order. This Order I only knew about a day ago. It's made up of European Elite and very few even know about this group. These types have low logic and limited understanding to see the bigger picture. The bigger picture is that evil men and women desire globalism and they are using political, economic, and religious means to do it. Aren't you sick of that Don't judge nonesense. I am. These hypocrites saying "Don't Judge" judge their political opponents all of the time as bigots and intolerant. These hypocrites judge those who endorse unborn life as outdated and against rights (actually abortion isn't a right, it's murder). They say follow Jesus. oh really. Why do they hate religious expression in the public square but when they say don't judge they use Jesus as a crutch. Frankily, Jesus said Judge righteous judgment (John 7:24). Jesus said don't judge while being a hypocrite not you never ought to judge at any circumstance. So, I will judge when necessary. I have a First Amendment right to judge.

The Pacific Northwest around Washington State and Oregon are experience and extreme amount of rainfall causing many floods. It's a tragic occurence. Ann Shibler from the JBS (I don't agree with the JBS on everything) on Wednesday at December 5, 2007 reported that The Texas Governor's Division of Emergency Management (GDEM) announced a contract with AT&T to build the Texas Special Needs Evacuation Tracking System. They will use RFID chips in an attempt to do it. Those in favor of this technology desire to have safety. Although, safety at the expense of compromising inherit liberty eliminates both basically. Our liberty is not strengthened from the USA Patriot Act, the tasering epidemic, and the Trans-Texas Corridor (the government TTC website admits that a TTC plan exists). Democracy Now Left Gatekeeper Amy Goodman debated Lou Dobbs, who is right to oppose illegal immigration (i.e. The Center for Immigration Studies has recently reported that our immigrant population is now 37 million, up from 27 million in 1997. 1 in 3 of these immigrants are here illegally) and the North American integration. Now, Goodman tried to invoke the SPLC as a justification to demonize Dobbs, but it didn't work. The reason is the SPLC is known to demonize even legitimate dissent on issues by conservatives (for example, they call the yearning for the pardoning of the two border partrol agents Ramos and Compean as part of a "misinformation campaign"). A couple of years ago, I've learned about hemp. The government bans its growth. On the other hand, for centuries it existed as a potent paper and other devices. I see no problem with the existence as hemp for industrial purposes at all. F. William Engdahl from Global Research at December 4, 2007 wrote about Bill Gates wanting to use a seed bank in the Arctic. Funny how he invested his money to do it in league with Monsanto (which is a promoter of the corrupt GM foods). Gates is a promoter of population control (He funds programs that actively have sterilization and abortion actions just like his billionare friend Warren Buffet), and a member of the Club of Rome. An Oakland ordinance that would require people who try to counsel men and women entering abortion clinics to keep at least eight feet away. Where's the ACLU when you need them to protest the free speech rights of pro-life protestors. They aren't there since they are controlled opposition exposing certain rights violations (like torture, the Patriot Act, and the like), but not this one. See, Socialist Roger Baldwin invented the ACLU. Today, the ACLU is headed by the CFR member Anthony Romero. The CFR's mission is the creation of a new world order. The good news is that more of the public are rejecting propaganda from the White House, media, and skeptics. Folks don't accept the lies anymore. Individuals know that certain human beings want a new world order and we must oppose and expose that agenda. Our real loyality ought to be God first and foremost.

By Timothy

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