Regardless of the lies, of the xenophobia, etc., we see the truth about the ebola crisis. It relates to the Western imperialist harm done to Africa too. We see the deadliest ebola outbreak in human history. Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone are suffering a lot. If nothing strong is done to help people, scientists project that up to 1.4 million people could be infected by early January of 2015. The legacy of colonial rule and imperialist pillage has exacerbated this crisis. Many affected countries have lax technology, limited education, and a beleaguered health care system. For a long time, the West ignored pleas from West Africans for medical aid and personnel for months. Now, the West wants to deploy ca. 3,000 U.S. troops to Liberia. The reality is that the West wants to control the region for geopolitical purposes. The President called ebola a “national security priority.” The racists want to limit the epidemic to Africans and not reach Americans shores, but it has reached U.S. shores now. The 750 million dollars from the U.S. will set up a military command center and construct medical treatment facilities. Yet, these treatment centers will not be up and running for months. There is a staging area being set up in Senegal to train and aid providers and distribute supplies. Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said that the U.S. is committed to a military mission for 6 months at least and troops will not come into contact with patients. We see that Cuba and China have given a lot of aid to West Africans. Cuba is dispatching 461 physicians, epidemiologists, and other health professionals to West Africa. China has about 20,000 citizens working and living in the 3 affected nations giving millions in financial aid (and increasing the number of medical personnel in Sierra Leone). Liberia is an American ally. Its current President is Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. She created a nationwide curfew and sent troops to cordon off the densely populated area of West Point in the capital of Monrovia. When residents wanted to have food, soldiers killed a 15 year old boy. They are recovering from a 14 year civil war, which ended in 2003. Ebola is lethal and it is caused by a group of threadlike viruses called filo viruses. It existed back in the 1970’s. It is highly fatal and that is why people with it must have safe and sterile quarantine along with consistent medical attention (including rehydration and control of secondary infections). One issue is that many West Africa area lack infrastructure and that is why activists want more infrastructure built in the nations as a means to battle back against ebola. We know that European imperialists used unsterilized syringes and needles on Africans (which spread disease as proven by Professor Jacques Pepin’s “Origin of AIDS” 2011 book). David Levering Lewis wrote that European imperialists would displace lands and harm agricultural areas, which spread more epidemics in Africa. The WHO budges have been slashed too. So, we need scientific research, technological development, and infrastructure to help our Brothers and Sisters in West Africa (and to help any human who have been harmed by eloba too regardless of their color or nationality).
WWI from 1915 to 1918 evolved quickly. Germany on February 4, 1915 declared a submarine blockade of Great Britain. In any ship approaching England, was considered a legitimate target. German U-Boats have targeted Allied forces. The Allies forces also battle for nine months in the area of Gallipoli in the Turkish peninsula. They did this to divide up the Central Powers and gain access to the Western front. By December 28, the Allies withdrawal troops form Gallipoli. The U-boat sinks the Lusitania in May 7, 1915, which killed 1,198 civilians including 128 Americans. Germany soon ceased to sink ships with warning, but the U.S. declared war on the Central Powers. At first President Woodrow Wilson campaigned to get America out of the war. Both sides used gas in warfare. Sir Douglas Haig becomes commander of British Expeditionary Force. The 1916 Battle of Verdun was the longest battle of the war. It was fought to a draw and both sides suffered about one million casualties. The Battle of Jutland, which was a naval engagement, saw no clear winner. In July 1 to November 18, 1916 there was the Battle of the Simme. About one million people died and it was a breakthrough for the Allies. The British introduced the tank, which was an effective weapon but far too few to make much of a difference. The Zimmerman telegram caused a stir in America. It was a telegram from Reich Foreign Secretary Zimmerman to Mexico urging Mexico to into a war against the United States (especially in the Southwest). Later, Germany declared unrestricted submarine warfare on February 1, 1917. During this time, the Russian Revolution is taking place with a provisional government declared and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia abdicating from the throne. April 6, 1917 was the time when President Wilson asks Congress for a declaration of war with Imperial Germany. A draft from the Selective Service Act comes abut. Many French troops use a mutiny over conditions in the battlefield in April to June of 1917. The first wave of American Expeditionary Force comes to France in July 3, 1917. The American troops fight in trench warfare by October 23, 1917. Kerensky’s provincial government in Russia is overthrown by the Bolsheviks, who are led by Lenin. Leon Trotsky represents the new Russian government and he signs an armistice with Germany. On December 9, 1917, the British capture Jerusalem from the Ottoman Turks and its Arabic allies. This signals a new era in human history. In 1918, the Great War continues. The German offensive from March 21, 1918 was stopped by late June. British and Australian troops stop the German advance near Amiens in April 25, 1918.
The Middle East from 200 B.C. to 200 A.D. was dominated by the Roman Empire, the Scythian Empire, the Arabian Kingdom, Armenia, and other areas which traded with each other in a high level. Asia Minor was heavily divided into various client states of the Roman Empire. Greco-Roman influences are found throughout the region. Syria, Lycia, Judaea, Thrace, and other areas were having their own cultures as well. By 200 A.D., the Parthian Empire was strengthened and it controlled a large part of Mesopotamia. The Roman and Parthian Empire had a hostile and competitive relationship with each other. The Kingdom of Armenia acted as a buffer between both empires. The growth of Christianity continued in the Middle East. It soon became larger in members than Judaism and other religions. In the Middle East during this time, Jewish revolts for liberation were crushed by Roman imperialist armies. Near 500 A.D., the Roman Empire is divided in East and West. The Eastern part of the Roman Empire encompasses certain parts of the Middle East. The Parthian Empire is replaced with another Persian empire. The Sassanid dynasty of Persia is powerful too. The Sassanid dynasty was very aggressive as well. The Eastern Roman Empire evolved into the Byzantine Empire with some of its own unique architecture, culture, and government. By the 7th century, Arabic tribes united under the banner of Islam. Islam was created by Muhammad. Islam spread quickly in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe, etc. Its armies were powerful. French armies repelled the Muslim military advances. Islam has similarities and differences to Christianity and Judaism. All of the three religions are monotheistic. The Persian Empire is gone by the 7th century. The new Islamic Caliphate or empire rules the Middle East politically and economically. Caliphate comes from the word “caliph” meaning “successor.” Damascus, Syria was one capital of the caliphate and then it was moved into Baghdad, Iraq. The Islamic world shifted eastward after ca. 750 A.D. Islam spread into Spain, North Africa, Egypt, Syria, western India, and other parts of Asia. Caliphs have huge political powers. During this time, technological and scientific developments came from China like paper, from India like the decimal system, etc. Arabic scholars developed contributions as it relates to philosophy, medicine, philosophy, optics, algebra, etc. This information was passed onto Europeans. There was the Fatimid Caliphate in Egypt. There was the Kingdom of Armenia, the Emirate of Azerbaijan, the Buyid Emirate of Iran, the Saminid Emirate of Central Asia, etc. Oman and Yemen developed.
My philosophy is to do all of the above in a positive direction. There is nothing wrong with decency and ethics. We should be better and act in accordance to truth and righteousness. That is a given. The problem is that many cops are shooting and killing Brothers and Sisters who have done nothing wrong or they have followed all of the instructions (from the cops). Levar Jones followed instructions, he was cordial, and he never provoked the officer at all. Yet, he was shot unjustly by a crooked officer, who was fired. So, we should both IMPROVE our own lives and confront the institutions of oppression in society. We have to find the root of the problem and it is not black people collectively. It deals with the system of oppression, because the imperfections of the system must be addressed if we want to get solutions established. That is why the protesters have every right to condemn police brutality, racism, discrimination, economic oppression, etc. Police brutality is a national epidemic in America and we can't minimize this problem. The BEHAVIORS of protesting, advancing more unity & solidarity among ourselves as black people, fighting evil, and standing up for justice are real behaviors that I support. These protesters are right to call for the police to have cameras on them and for the officer, who killed Michael Brown, to be arrested. I saw the preview of the "I am Ali" documentary before. It shows that Muhammad Ali was a family man, a strong father, and another courageous Brother (who rightfully stood up against the Vietnam War). He was a great friend of Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. too. Throughout his life, he not only expressed strength in the boxing world (as he was in my opinion the greatest heavyweight boxer pound for pound ever), but he expressed a great amount of compassion throughout the whole world (in promoting literacy, help to the poor, love for his people, and altruism for the human race). He has a great SENSE OF HUMOR and he opened his door to his house even to complete strangers at times. It is a great blessing for his daughters to tell his story. Muhammad Ali overcame many obstacles and he is still here with a great family and a real legacy that he and his family can appreciate.
The improvement of the brain is one of the most important parts of human development. It is easy to witness that having great sleep will boost brain power. Blueberries can improve brain functioning as well. Blueberries may help keep your brain firing. A study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry suggests that the fruit’s wealth of anthocyanins—the antioxidants that create the blue hue—foster neuron-to-neuron communication in the brain, which may help delay memory loss. It is common to see that nuts can develop the brain too. Nuts have a lot of magnesium. Magnesium is a mineral that is linked to improve short term and long term memory. According to research from MIT and TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY in Beijing, magnesium seems to promote new connections between brain cells. An University of Rochester study found information about memory too. Frank Felberbaum, president of MEMORY TRAINING Systems in New York City and developer of memory workshops for major corporations, says regular deep breathing will help with strengthening brain memory. Doing scrabble puzzles, and other mind development games including puzzles can develop the brain power of humans in general. Studies have documented how exercise and a proper diet can improve mental capacity and longevity. Exercise makes your brain to work at optimum capacity by causing nerve cells to multiply, which leads to strengthening their interconnections and protecting them from damage. During exercise nerve cells release proteins known as neurotropic factors. One in particular, called brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF), triggers numerous other chemicals that promote neural health, and directly benefits cognitive functions, including learning. Further, exercise provides protective effects to your brain through: the production of nerve protecting compounds, greater blood blow to your brain, improved development and survival of neurons, and the decreased risk of cardiovascular diseases like stroke. More research has shown that exercise boosts mitochondria, which are organelles that produce energy within every cell of the human body. This suggests that exercise may help the human brain to work faster and more efficiently. Docosahexaenoic acid or DHA (which is an omega-3 fat) can improve brain functioning. About 60 percent of your brain is made up of fats and 25 percent is made up that is made up of DHA. DHA-rich foods include fish, etc. DHA is found in high level in the neuros or the cells of the central nervous system where it provides structural support. The influence of omega-3 fat on physical and mental health has been the subject of intense research over the last four decades, and there's compelling evidence that animal-based omega-3 fats can help reduce the symptoms of a variety of psychiatric illnesses and degenerative brain disorders. For example, low DHA levels have been linked to memory loss and Alzheimer's disease. Even more exciting is research showing that degenerative conditions can not only be prevented but also potentially reversed. For example, in one study, 485 elderly volunteers suffering from memory deficits saw significant IMPROVEMENT after taking 900 mg of DHA per day for 24 weeks, compared with controls. Animal based omega-3 diet can work wonders for people. Coconut oil and Vitamin D can improve brain development and brain function as well. Babies, children, and adults need adequate Vitamin D. Appropriate sun exposure can help with the development of Vitamin D as well. Vitamin B12 can improve brain power as well. Listening to music while exercise, according to research, has boosted cognitive levels and verbal fluency skills in people diagnosed with coronary artery disease (that disease has been linked to a decline in cognitive abilities. Music can enhance cognitive functioning and improve mental focus among healthy adults. Keep on learning something new (like learning a foreign language, traveling, learning to play a musical instrument, or working in social and community activities) can develop the brain too.
By Timothy