Actually, I think there's a war on BLACK PEOPLE. Some forms of the aggression are more directed at Black men, and other forms at Black women. At any rate, you cannot wage a war only against one gender of a people without waging a war against the entire people. Angela Y. Davis argues in one of her writings that while women during slavery were more often subjected to rape by white masters, and were therefore the DIRECT victims, the indirect victims were the ENTIRE slave community. In one of his essays Dr. King argues that direct degradation of Black women by the welfare system--unless many simpletons he blamed the SYSTEM, not Black women themselves for the degradation--and he argues that the direct degradation of Black women by the system was an attack on the Black community as a whole (including children and men). Lately, the UNITED NATIONS has denounced American racism and its persistent plaguing of Black communities and other communities of color. Amnesty International (to which I belong) also has denounced American racism in the police, judiciary, politics and economy. In both cases American racism is exposed as an attack on BLACK PEOPLE as a whole, and as a shameful human rights violation meriting international attention. Perhaps we ought to follow Malcolm's advice and take the US government to trial in the World Court. I don' t know.....just a thought.
While most racist and repressive POLICE violence is, like lynchings in my mother's time, directed at Black men, it is still an attack on the BLACK COMMUNITY, That's one of the reasons that you see so many Black women in protest when a Michael Brown, Sean Bell, Amadou Diallo and innumerable others are slain by racist pigs. Most sisters are not as mentally deranged as SBT or as obtuse as Capree. And contrary to what Capree might believe, racist violence against Black women, also arouses the anger and protest of the BLACK COMMUNITY as a whole (men included). Unlike either Capree or SBT, I actually have an activist BACKGROUND, and have been involved personally in such protests and organized resistance to racist and political repression. When the Black community is attacked, regardless of whether DIRECT victims happens to be men, women or children, it is the duty of the ENTIRE community to defend itself and all its members. It is the duty of all DECENT human beings to be in SOLIDARITY with us in such circumstances. And those within or without the Black community who fail to do so manage to degrade themselves, to lower their own humanity. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"
Good morning, NSD. I think folk hate you because you're among those who survived the genocide, and your very presence reminds people of the CRIMES against humanity committed against the original people of this land. I remember reading an FBI memo, or a quotation from such, which stated that the Indians are a "conquered people" and should resign themselves to that fact. The context, I believe, was the activities of the American Indian Movement. But you have nerve to talk about to white folks who are racist, and they hate you for it. But I love you for it, Sioux sister. Just keep on keeping on.
It's far from clear whether the Western World still has any moral foundations. The West has been Christian since the last days of ancient Rome, or at least since the high Middle Ages. But that religious tradition has largely eroded. I supposed one can speak of humanistic values of a secular nature, the values of the Enlightenment being one example. As for the timeline being under the earth or known by the rotation of the sun, I don't know what relevance this has to your claim about the supposed lack of intelligence on the part of atheists.
Unfortunately, I am not as informed about the state of Black Britannia compared to Black America. But I understand there has been some righteous struggle against racism and oppression by Blacks in the UK. The level of unity and solidarity among Blacks in UK is something that I cannot be sure about. But the degree of solidarity among Blacks over here is far less than it needs to be. And the Afro-American communities are not as cohesive as we were during and before the Movement of the 1960s & early 70s. Our class divisions are greater than they used to be. If we have possibly greater cohesiveness than Black communities in UK or France that is probably because we've been in this country much longer. Also, there is a tradition of segregation in the USA which greatly resembled South African apartheid. Unlike French assimilationism segregation sequestered us as a people, often forcing us to unite and fight together despite differences of class, education, etc.
Everyone is aware that there were Black people in medieval Europe, and INDEED in ancient Greece and Rome. Only that fact is virtually irrelevant to the present conversation. The context should have made that obvious if you had a brain at least as large as a peanut. First of all, ancient Europe didn't have the kind of racialized society as would help engender such a racial consciousness as one has in the modern world. Hence neither the need nor even possibility of forming any Black community then. Black people who were part of Julius Caesar's invading army in Gaul settled into the country and became absorbed in that Roman province like everyone else. At any rate, the number of Blacks in Europe was very small even compared to their number in contemporary Europe. In America, the slave system--racialized slavery---was established within the national borders; and in such numbers as would guarantee (especially with continued racial caste after slavery) the continual presence of large African descended population. And a SELF-CONSCIOUS Black population. European countries mainly had large numbers of African slaves in colonial territories OUTSIDE the national territories, Hence the numbers of Black people in England, France and Germany were relatively small compared to Black peoples in the Americas. Most Blacks in Europe arrived only in the 20th Century, and even after World War II. The vast majority are probably children or grandchildren of those who arrived during or after the War. Most Black Americans are descendants of people who've been here for the past 250--350 years. That makes for greater sense of common identity, and chances for collective action.