If I were married to an African woman I would insist on learning her language and having it taught to our children. I can not reverse the course of history or turn back the hands of time. A lot was lost in that Middle Passage, and we were deracinated here in the Americas. But if there's one thing I think that an African American--man or woman--should do if married to an African is to learn the African language and culture and make it part of your family heritage.
I were married to an African woman I would insist on learning her language and having it taught to our children. I can not reverse the course of history or turn back the hands of time. A lot was lost in that Middle Passage, and we were deracinated here in the Americas. But if there's one thing I think that an African American--man or woman--should do if married to an African is to learn the African language and culture and make it part of your family heritage.
That's a great BOOK BY Michelle Alexander. People should also look at ARE PRISONS OBSOLETE and THE NATRE OFFREEDOM & OTHER DIFFICULT DIALOGUES, by Angela Y. Davis.
It is certainly possible, at least assuming there was an historical Jesus who was crucified by the Roman governor Pontius Pilate. The crucifixion would be a clue. Romans didn't persecute for political reasons, as would both Christians and Muslims when they got power. Romans could care less who or what you worshipped as long as you'd obeyed their authority and paid your taxes. Crucifixion was inflicted on criminals and rebels or revolutionaries (like surviving comrades of Spartacus). Moreover, Romans didn't inflict the cruel punishment of crucifixion upon the classes, only on the masses. Jesus was obviously a commoner and quite poor. If he was not criminal, then he was probably involved in some subversive activity against Roman imperialist authority. One of his followers was actually called the "zealot, " the name of a revolutionary Jewish movement at that time. And in spite of being shrouded in a veil of sanctimoniousness, much even in the NT indicates that Jesus may have been a subversive seeking the overthrow of Roman rule and the liberation of Judea. The man who proclaimed good tiding to the poor and who came to "set a liberty those who are oppressed" was no conservative, and probably not just someone concerned only about the afterlife. The man who drove out the money changers, who told the poor that they were the salt of the earth. and would more readily admit a camel through the eye of a needle than to include the rich into his kingdom, is hardly a 1st Century conservative. He was up to something. The Romans got wind of it. They killed him for sedition. Perhaps, Jesus was a revolutionary. In which case, conservatives (and even liberals) who call themselves Christian are deceiving themselves.
By the way, there's an interesting article to be found on "newsone.com " about Pedro Seranno, a NYC cop, who has been testifying about the unfair targeting of Blacks and Hispanics. Seranno even revealed a video of a superior ORDERING him to stop and frisk Black and Latino males from ages 14--21. Pedro Seranno has been ostracized as a "rat" for having exposed the racist wrongdoing of the NYPD. I gather from his name that he's Latino himself. But unlike so many AA Forum Negroes with their endless sniping at each other, Seranno doesn't hate his own people and still has a social conscience.
The UN Committee on Racism would disagree with you, and recently the UN denounced American racism, in particular rampant police violence and terror in Black and Latin communities. Amnesty International would disagree and have lent their voice to the struggle against racist terror, especially violence by the police in Black communities. But that aside, your obvious and primitive racism indicates not only that you are uncivilized, but that you weren't made for membership in any human community, that you are not fit to be a PART OF humanity