Many people are right to expose how some extremists want radical population control in the world. I see document after document stating this goal. There are many PROGRAMS in existence from the past and the present which states that they want the radical reduction of the population of people of color worldwide. The elitists from Prince Philip, Bill Gates, and others have made it very clear that they want population control as a means to reduce the populations of the globe. That is a fact. They promote the population alarmism (when studies show that global populations will greatly stabilize in their growth by 2050) when they (via the World Bank, the IMF, NGOs, etc.) have been stealing the resources of Africa, etc. for decades. John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, has proven this. John Henrik Clarke has proven this including other great Brothers and Sisters like Harriet Washington, who care about our people. The elite have the Svalbard Global Seed Vault where they store plant seeds from around the world. They claim that they want to have reserves in case of a crisis, but should those seeds be placed into the hands of the poor in the world (who are starving and suffering right now)? I think so. So, we know what the deal is. That is why I will never stop showing the truth, The Tuskegee Experiment and NSM200 are facts not conspiracy theories, which numerous human beings have documented. Bill Gates has investments in Monsanto (which is a company caught in numerous scandals) and GMOs. He has publicly said that he wants the world's population to be reduced.
It is sad that Thomas Eric Duncan passed away. Dr. Sheik Humarr Khan and other people have passed away too. West Africa deserves and needs stronger infrastructure and real resources to help the victims of ebola. Everyone should be educated on the symptoms and the major components of ebola as well. This is a serious illness. This is a fight. We are fighting against ebola. So, the victims need compassion, assistance, and their dignity ought to be respected. Also, in America, there should be more investments that can not only build up our public health services, but investments should come involving the building up of medical research too. Medical research is one way where treatments and cures can develop. We should be careful, but we should not embrace paranoia. We have to live our lives, help our neighbors, and be educated on ebola. No one can omit about Rick Perry's Texas. The hospital has transparency issues when they have given many contradictory accounts about what they did. The Duncan family has every right to demand the release of the records and a true investigation to decipher all of the circumstances related to the passing of Mr. Thomas Eric Duncan. The hospital turning him away when his fever was registered at 103 degrees is really wrong and ignorant. Many of the same reactionaries talking about fiscal issues refuse to promote REAL INVESTMENTS in our public health, which deals with combating ebola too. NIH's budget has been cut. The Duncan family deserves the truth. Black men and Black women including black youth (including the rest of the human race too) are entitled to great health care too. There is a legitimate debate on handle ebola. There should be more screenings, research, and infrastructure development. Yet, some exploit the crisis of ebola in Africa as an excuse to promote racism, xenophobia, or other extremist rhetoric. The reality is that hospitals should be informed on the dangers of ebola. It would be impossible to close travel from countries where it is running rampant anyway since people can easily travel into Europe and then to America. Also, there is a civil liberty issue too. We have to balance quarantine matters with the protection of human rights. That is why we need to be prepared. The government should do its job, but the government should not overstep their bounds. Individually and collectively, we should be prepared too. There is nothing wrong with having water and freeze dried or storable health foods for 21 days minimum (and learn to defend our health during a pandemic).
I am definitely going to buy the "The Death of a King" BOOK soon. I read many excerpts of it and it was very good. It shows Dr. Martin Luther King listening to soul music, expressing the truth about social justice, and living his life. Many people criticized him, even some bourgeois members of the NAACP (as some in the NAACP supported the immoral Vietnam War) and the black establishment criticized Dr. King over his views on the Vietnam War. Yet, he persisted to fight against the Vietnam War and he wanted the Poor People’s Campaign. Many in the FBI illegally monitored him and he spoke truth to power on numerous issues. A black man talking about foreign policy in public like that during the 1960’s was very taboo, yet a black man named Dr. King did it. Dr. King loved SNCC and Kwame Ture. He wanted the same goals as Kwame Ture, but they disagreed with strategies. Kwame Ture praised Dr. King courageous stand against the Vietnam War too. Kwame Ture believed in Black Power. Dr. Martin Luther King believed in Black Power if it meant black people should have economic and political power to advance their own self-determination. He just felt that some have exploited the slogan for negative purposes. He wanted a program instead of just using a slogan. He understood that the North and the Midwest ghettoes face unemployment, housing discrimination, police brutality, lax education, and poverty. He wanted to do something about it. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. believed in nonviolent protests, boycotts, civil disobedience, and other forms of peaceful political action as a means to solve problems in society. There should be an economic bill of rights and justice for black people and the poor. Health care is a human right and we should be courageous in standing up for justice. One thing about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was that he engaged the youth. He understood and sympathized with the youth’s frustration with the oppression going in America. He questioned capitalism and he wanted radical change in the world, so people can not only have bread to eat, but they can have a living wage too. It is not enough to eliminate legal segregation. People need jobs, income, health care, and other rights which are inborn. Dr. King also disagreed with the ideologies of Ronald Reagan. When Ronald Reagan was running for governor in the state of California, he said that Ronald Reagan, “is seeking to rise to power on the fears of the people…He is a reactionary Goldwater Republican…” He also said that Reagan was exploiting the housing issue. War is definitely the enemy of the poor. Dr. King wanted an international war on poverty too. Reactionary forces hated him and many Brothers and Sisters during that time opposed injustices too. This story should be known.
The U.S. Supreme Court stopped Wisconsin from requiring photo ID from voters before they vote in the November 4th election. An U.S. district judge ruled that a similar voter ID requirement in Texas is unconstitutional. This is good news, but we have a long way to go. The two decisions can affect the outcome of the 2014 elections. The reason is that since the Wisconsin law would have barred as many as 300,000 registered voters from casting ballots and the Texas law would have excluded an estimated 800,000 registered voters. Both states have contests for governor and U.S. Senator including other state legislative races. The Supreme Court action on Wisconsin came in a 6-3 vote, in which two conservatives, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Anthony Kennedy, sided with the four liberal justices, Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonya Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. Conservatives Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito dissented. Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin signed the law in 2011 as part on an assault on democratic rights and workers’ rights. The law required voters to present a state approved photo ID like a driver’s license in order to receive a ballot. Voters who cast absentee ballots by mail would be required to submit a photocopy of their ID with the ballot or it would be discarded. A federal district judge in Milwaukee struck down the law as unconstitutional, saying that it would “deter or prevent a substantial number of the 300,000-plus registered voters who lack ID from voting,” and have a disproportionate impact on black and Hispanic voters. Then, a three judge panel of a federal court of appeals reinstated the law. Finally, the Supreme Court suspended the law for now since it was too close to the November 4 elections. The court wrote: “It is particularly troubling that absentee ballots have been sent out without any notation that proof of photo identification must be submitted.” Given that absentee voters tend to be older and wealthier than the average, and favor Republicans, disqualifying their ballots could hurt Republican candidates, partially offsetting the partisan advantage to be gained by reducing voter turnout in minority areas. The Supreme Court was wrong to uphold the Ohio and North Carolina Voter ID laws. The US Government Accountability Office published a report Wednesday suggesting that voter ID laws had a significant impact in reducing voter turnout in states that changed their requirements between the 2008 and 2012 elections, with a disproportionate effect on young and African American voters. So, the fight is not over, but we will fight onward.
Yes, we, as black people, need more UNITY. WITH UNITY COMES GREAT STRENGTH. Many have made that excellent points on various issues. For the most part, people are only receiving the cops’ side of the story. There are many questions about this incident that has to be answered. One is exactly why did the officer try to execute a pedestrian check and what the total timeline of events are? I can accept the truth, but what I won’t accept are victim blaming, unconditionally support of all cops, and the status quo. People have every right to peacefully protest. I do believe in an independent investigation to make sure that as much facts as possible are known. A police investigation readily will be biased. Also, another point is to be made. Many people talk about black on black crime obsessively as a means not to inspire real change (like the end to the War on Drugs with alternatives, an increase of the minimum wage, grassroots community development PROGRAMS, mentorships, job creation programs, more real education that teaches our people about true black consciousness, the end to unjust laws, etc.), but to blame the black community collectively for all of the problems in the black community. That is unfair and a notorious white racist reactionary talking point. The reality is that the vast majority of black people are not nihilistic criminals and that crime in the black community has decreased in the past three decades. Black people (all across America) have protested black on black crime, police brutality, and other problems for years and decades. The mainstream media doesn’t show this information publicly that much because of obvious reasons. So, we should condemn black on black crime and any injustice, but we should not ignore the epidemic of police brutality in American society either. Any innocent human life that has been killed is a tragedy regardless. A lot of distrust of the police never came out of thin air. They came by some cops using terrorism against people, some police officers causing the unjust deaths of unarmed people like Eric Garner, and other reasons. The legitimate grievances (like an end to police brutality, the growth of economic power, the promotion of human civil liberties including human rights, political power being used to enrich the masses of the people) of the people of the Ferguson/St. Louis community ought to be honored. It is not enough to say that we have to develop from within. We have to change the structures of society too, because you can be the most moral person in the world and the structures of oppression will still exist (unless we change them). Racism, discrimination (which includes housing discrimination as written by Trish Kahle) and economic oppression should never be blamed on black people collectively at all. We should both IMPROVE our community and economic inequality must be addressed as well. We have to do all of the above. There must be individual and collective changes in society. The SYSTEM is fallible & corrupt, so the SYSTEM must be changed in a revolutionary fashion. I feel for the late Brother's family. His family deserves a great deal of respect and dignity.
By Timothy